Jonathan- I recently subscribed to your PokerCoaching site and I really enjoy it.. Now, I have a question for this…
On Weekly Poker Hand #191
Jonathan - great website My question is that in any tournament I play I have a difficult time reading my…
On How I Take Notes at the Poker Table
gl to the 2018 JL League
On My Weekly PokerStars Home Game
Great job Mr. Jonathan, love ur books, teach me a lot, hats off!
On I Just Released My Newest Book and It’s Free for a Limited Time
I liked having all the poker hands from the same tournament. As we listen to them we remembered the flare…
On Weekly Poker Hand #190
This a great article Jonathan. I play semi-professionally grinding sit and go's, whilst I find a standard tight aggressive strategy…
On Playing junk against calling stations
What if none of them work?
On 5 Ways to Stop Losing or Breaking Even
THIS is the best video ever - watching the two of you discuss.
On Learning from my mistakes in the Global Poker League
I never knew you were allowed to take notes during a tournament. For small local games do you think it…
On How I Take Notes at the Poker Table
Nice Blog Jonathan. Really appreciated it. The Borgata reeks of money. The word you were searching for wasn't "apathy", and…
On 2018 WPO + Super Bowl Charity Vlog