
WPH #480: $583,000 All-In With 9 HIGH????????

Could you imagine shoving $583,000 into the middle with just nine high? Well be sure to watch this video from PokerGO’s No Gamble No Future as that is exactly what Andrew Robl does. Can he make millionaire businessman Rob Yong fold?!

Jonathan discusses which types of hands you should use when deciding to 4-bet bluff. Generally you want to have cards that will block your opponent’s continuing range such as an ace or a king. Jonathan agrees that Robl’s call with KJ suited is fine considering that he is in position and they are both extremely deep.

Robl should be checking this flop frequently due to having two callers and how dynamic it is. He has equity to hit a very strong hand and he does not want to get blown off it by facing a raise and further aggression.

Robl’s shove on the turn is a huge bet but Jonathan dissects exactly why he decided to use such a large size. If he were to go smaller then Yong is the kind of player that will likely call at least one more which is not ideal when you have 9 high out of position! It is important to make sure that you balance this shoving range with very strong hands otherwise you become too predictible to having bluffs or draws when you use large bet or raise sizes.

This high stakes poker hand took place in Las Vegas at the prestigious PokerGO Studio as part of their “”No Gamble, No Future”” cash game series. This particular cash game had a minimum $500,000 buy-in, with blinds at $500/$1000 with a $1,000 Big Blind Ante. Old school poker legend Andrew ‘good2cu’ Robl takes on Dusk Till Dawn owner and entrepreneur Rob Yong.

🃏 Preflop: Andrew Robl opens from the lojack with 97dd, but Rob Yong on the button decides to bump it up with a 3-bet to $10,000 with KJdd. Eric Persson and Markus Gonsalves make a non standard cold call in the small and big blinds before Robl opts to 4-bet to $40,000. Yong calls on the button, Persson folds the small blind and Gonsalves decides to call completing the action in the big blind with 65ss.

💥 The Flop: Qc Tc 8d The flop is a spicy one as it gives both Robl and Yong open ended straight draws although Gonsalves has completely missed. This very dymanic flop slows down the action as all three players decide to check.

🔥 The Turn: 2d This 2nd diamond on the turn is where the fireworks start. Now both Yong and Robl have huge combo draws with straight and flush draws. Gonsalves checks with his air, Robl checks with his monster draw but Yong now wants the pot and decides to bet $60,000. Gonsalves makes the easy fold before Robl decides to shove his entire stack over the line for $583,000! Yong is now in the world of pain and has no idea that he actually has the best hand. Ultimately he does decide to let it go only to be shown the 97dd by Robl.

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

#pokerstrategy #pokergo #nogamblenofuture

WPH #480: $583,000 All-In With 9 HIGH???????? Read More »

WPH #478: Brad Owen Has ALL THE LADIES!

Joint Jonathan Little as he reviews a hand that popular poker vlogger Brad Owen plays in a $2/$5/$10 live cash game where he flops a set and rivers quads! Can he find a way to get maximum value?

Jonathan discusses the range of hands that opponents tend to have when they donk lead into multiple opponents. They usually either have a pretty good made hand or some kind of draw. In this particular hand Brad Owen blocks a lot of the top pairs as he has hit top set, so this generally will weight his opponents more towards draws.

Brad talks about how he is not too concerned about the short stack small blind but is much more interested in stacking the other opponent who has a similar deep stack. Jonathan agrees that this should be your thought process when at the table, look to win the large pots off the players that are playing deep and don’t worry if you double up a few short stacks!

Generally you want to play more passively and call with top sets and choose to raise your bottom sets. This is because when you have top set you will be blocking some of the strong hands that you want your opponent to have, like top pair. Bottom set unblocks the strong top pairs that can call a raise.

This poker hand took place in the Beau Rivage Resort & Casino in Mississippi, USA. The stakes were $2/$5/$10 with the effective stack at $3,000.

It starts with a raise from UTG+2 who has pocket kings which picks up a call from MP but Brad who is sat on the button with pocket queens decides to bump it up and raises to $100. The small blind makes a very non standard cold call with ace king of hearts and the original raiser also makes a very non standard call with their pocket kings. MP who is now getting a great price decides to complete as well.

4 players head to a flop of Qh 6h 3s giving Brad Owen a beautiful top set! Even more so when UTG+2 decides to lead into the pot for $200. Brad calls and the small blind who only has $130 behind decides to gamble with his nut flush draw and calls it off.

The 2h on the turn spells disaster for Brad Owen in the main pot as he is now losing to the small blinds turned flush. However, there is still plenty of value to be made from UTG+2 who still has a strong overpair! This turn card does not slow down Brad’s opponent as he fires another bet to the tune of $300. Brad makes another easy call as the pot escalates to $1,535.

The river is the dream card for Brad as it lands with the Qs giving him quads! This now slows down the villain as he checks. Brad takes the moment to bet for a pot sizee of $1,500. Frustrated with the run out Villain 1 folds, not realizing that the river card actually saved him a lot of money! The small blind is heart broken when he turns over his hand thinking he has the winner!

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

#bradowen #pokerstrategy #pokervlog

WPH #478: Brad Owen Has ALL THE LADIES! Read More »

WPH #479: This Is What HEART BREAK Looks Like In Poker!

Watch one of Jonathan’s favorite poker players and also PokerCoaching coach Jonathan Jaffe in action at the Triton Poker series in Vietnam!

Jonathan discusses the merit of flatting with AQo from Frank’s position. Facing an early position raise we should be less inclined to 3-bet as they will have a much stronger range than if they were raising from the button. The other thing to consider in this specific hand is the ICM (Indepedent Chip Model) implications as they are well within the money and making the final table where the biggest pay jumps are, is an important factor in every hand that you play.

Jonathan also discusses how you should always be thinking about pot odds, especially when your opponent uses such a small bet size. Often hands that would fold to a normal size have to call facing a small size otherwise you will find yourself overfolding.

You should always consider as the preflop aggressor which hands you would like to use as small check-raises when you are out of position. Too many players do not have enough of a bluffing range which will often weight these raises to value only. The bluffs you want to use to check-raise with are the ones that you are happy to fold if you face a 3-bet which is generally your low equity bluffs.

A lot of players think that when they only have a pot sized bet remaining that this is the only size they can use when betting. This is not true! Using varying bet sizes allows you to bet more frequently and gives you more maneuverability with both your strong and weak poker hands.

This high stakes poker hand took place during a Super High Roller series as part of a Triton poker festival in Vietnam. This hand was during a $30,000 No Limit Hold-em tournament, held at the stunning Hoiana Resort & Golf in Hoi An in 2023.

PokerCoaching coach and tournament crusher, Jonathan Jaffe makes a standing opening raise with AKo in early position. Christopher Frank, a very accomplished German professional decides to call with AQo and Anson Ewe comes along from the big blind with JT suited.

3 players head to the flop that reveals Qc 8s 4h which gives Frank top pair. After the big blind checks, Jaffe decides to slow down and opts to check. Frank seizes the opportunity and puts out a 25% pot bet, Ewe quickly folds but Jaffe decides to check-raise as a semi bluff. Frank makes the easy call.

The Tc on the turn gives Jaffe addition equity as he now has a gutshot to the nut straight. Jaffe slows down again and checks but Frank does not want to give him a free card and makes a bet for 300,000. Jaffe calls.

The river is a dream card for Jaffe as it is the Kd which now gives him top pair. This slows Frank down as he checks behind only to be frustrated that he lost to that river card.

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

#pokerstrategy #triton #tritonpoker

WPH #479: This Is What HEART BREAK Looks Like In Poker! Read More »

WPH #477: Learn This PERFECT Spot For HUGE Bluffs!

Jonathan is joined by fellow PokerCoaching coach and poker crusher Matt Affleck. They discuss a poker hand that Matt played during a poker tournament at the Wynn in Las Vegas.

They both discuss a preflop timing tell from one of Matt’s opponents. This player took a lot longer than usual when acting preflop which led Matt to believe that he either had a hand that was thinking about squeezing or a marginal hand that was thinking of folding. This player was clearly thinking of other options other than to just call!

After missing the flop they discuss what you should consider when deciding whether to bluff into multiple opponents or not. On this particular dry flop Matt discounts one of his opponents from having many sets, due to not squeezing preflop. It is important to remember that Matt still has all of the overpairs on this texture whereas his opponents do not.

In multiway pots you generally want to use smaller bet sizes because you are going to get called by a slightly stronger range when there are multiple in the pot. If you bet too large then the range that calls you will be too strong. A smaller bet allows you to widen your value range whilst also giving you the benefit of being able to semi-bluff for a smaller size.

Matt believes that the overcall from the button is a weakish hand that could not face multiple barrells. He is fairly capped in having either a marginal top pair or some sort of weak draw.

On the river they discuss how some players are too scared to go for maximum value with hands that are very likely to be best. Make sure you are reading the situation well and finding the opportunites to get as much value from your strong hands!

The hand starts with Matt opening from under the gun with KQo around 50bb effective. The loose passive chip leader of the table decides to call from the lojack. A french pro also comes along from the button but it is worth noting that Matt believed that this player was considering squeezing in this spot.

With 3 players in the hand they head to a flop of T52r. Matt decides to continue telling his story of a strong overpair and fires out 2,000 into the 5,700 pot. Both players decide to make the call as the three of them head to the turn which is the 8c which now brings in a backdoor club flush draw. Matt does not slow down and choose a 6,500 size into the 11,700 pot. The loose passive player now decides to fold but the french professional sticks around to see the 3s on the river.

Matt now shoves the river for 20,100 into a 24,700 pot as he tries to make the french pro fold a marginal hand. Matt’s range looks extremely strong which is why the player releases his hand giving Matt a very tasty pot!

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

#pokerstrategy #pokertournament #pokertips

WPH #477: Learn This PERFECT Spot For HUGE Bluffs! Read More »

WPH #476: Jungleman Is RAGING [BANNABLE Offense?!]

Was Jungleman out of line at the end of this poker hand? Watch as he battles in a high stakes cash game against infamous Nik Airball on the Lodge Card Club poker stream.

Nik Airball had been trying all stream to tilt Jungleman. Every person has a breaking point and it looks like in this hand Airball managed to find Jungleman’s!

Jonathan talks about how the flop actually connects quite well with Airball’s range. As the 3-bet caller, Airball will generally have more strong hands on this board than Jungleman. When Jungleman faces such a small raise on the flop he is getting such a good price to continue to hit either an ace or a queen which could be good in this spot. His actual hand is still beating most of Nik Airball’s semi bluffs.

Jonathan believes that Nik should continue betting on this turn as it is likely to have hit Dan’s calling range on the flop. The hands that Dan will call a bet with will likely just check behind because they will have picked up showdown equity or a draw if he has a strong pocket pair with a diamond.

Dan Cates also known as Jungleman (or ConchDan here) is a 33 year old from the USA and is regarded by many as one of the best poker players in the world both online and live, he has played in all the highest stakes cash games around the world for many years. He has over $12,000,000 in live tournament earnings putting him 80th on the all time money list. He famously won the WSOP $50,000 Players Championships (regarded as one of the hardest tournaments to win) in 2021 and then again in 2022.

Nik Airball is an investment banker and an amateur poker player, he is a regular on the Hustler Casino live streams usually playing any stakes, he is often involved in heated table talk with the other players.

This high stakes poker hand took place at The Lodge Poker Club in 2023 between two well known poker players. Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates decided to lock horns with infamous Nik Airball who has taken the poker world by storm!

With blinds at $200/$400 with an $800 straddle, Nik Airball raises to $2000 with 86dd from UTG+2 off a $702,500 stack. In the hijack, Jungleman opts to 3-bet to $8000 with AsQc to which Airball calls.

Both players head to a flop of 8h 7d 2d which gives Airball top pair & a flush draw whilst Jungleman has completely missed and still just has ace high. After a check from Airball, Jungleman continues his story with a $6,000 bet. Airball decides to raise it up to $16,000. Jungleman undeterred by this raise opts to make the call.

The turn is a beautiful card for Jungleman (or so he thinks!) as he hits the Ad. However, Airball has now hit his flush meaning that Jungleman is drawing dead. This card does slow down the action as both players now check to see the river.

The Qh on the river is a disastorous card for Jungleman as he now has top two. Airball now decides to bet for value with a huge $75,000 bet into the $49,800 pot. This huge bet size clearly put Jungleman in the blender as he cannot figure out whether he has the best hand or not. Eventually he does make the call only to be shown the bad news.

But it’s what happens next that really makes this a memorable hand! Do you think Jungleman was out of order?

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

#hustlercasinolive #highstakespoker #poker

WPH #476: Jungleman Is RAGING [BANNABLE Offense?!] Read More »

WPH #475: Did Eric Persson REALLY Just Do THAT?!?!

Have you ever made this mistake at a poker table before? We just had to make this video to make sure that none of you do it!

Watch as Daniel Negreanu and Eric Persson face each other heads-up as part of the High Stakes Duel series by PokerGO. Persson who is known for his table talk and splashy play finds himself making a huge mistake on the river which awards Negreanu a surprising pot!

Jonathan discuss Eric Persson’s decision to 3-bet with a junky off suit king. It is infact GTO approved! The solver likes to use these types of hands as they help block some of the strong range that the opponent could have as it contains a high card.

Jonathan talks about how you should never really muck your cards before it gets to the river as your hand may still have some equity against theirs. Poker is all about realizing your equity at the showdown so it is a huge mistake to muck your hand before you get to that point!

Eric Persson is the owner of Maverick Gaming which has 19 card rooms in Washington state as well as some in Nevada and Colorado, he has managed many Casinos and has recently burst onto the high-stakes poker scene. He is often involved in table antics, especially table talk which began against Phil Hellmuth in April 2022 at the $25,000 PokerGo heads-up showdown, Eric and Phil exchanged vulgarities which some said went too far.

Daniel Negreanu is 3rd on the all time money list with over $50,000,000 in total live earnings. He has 6 WSOP bracelets. Daniel is looking to stop his losing streak on High Stakes Duel having never won a match before. He lost 3 times in a row on season 2 to Phil Hellmuth losing $350,000 in the process.

This match was the main event, before this game for the first time in High Stakes Duel history, there was an undercard which included Shaun Deeb and Mike Matusow, with both players putting up $10,000. Mike Matusow won the match.

High Stakes Duel is an American poker television program that airs on PokerGO and premiered on July 30, 2020. The format is two players playing a heads-up No-Limit Hold’em poker tournament. The rules of High Stakes Duel are that the initial buy-in level is $50,000 for Round 1. With each round that follows, the buy-ins double. Round 2 is a $100,000 buy-in, Round 3 is a $200,000 buy-in, and so on. A player earns the right to walk away as High Stakes Duel champion if the player wins three consecutive matches prior to Round 4 or two consecutive matches starting with Round 4. The winner of High Stakes Duel receives the High Stakes Duel Championship Belt. There have been 3 previous seasons of High Stakes Duels, with the winners being Phil Hellmuth twice and then Jason Koon.

This thrilling poker hand took part during the High Stakes Duel series hosted by PokerGO in their studio in Las Vegas, Nevada. Two huge names in the industry faced off, poker legend and multi World Series of Poker bracelet winner Daniel Negreanu took on the relatively infamous Eric Persson who is known to own multiple casinos and provide entertaining trash talk when the occasion calls for it!

With blinds at 150/300, the hand starts with Negreanu deciding to raise with 43ss on the button to 1,000 off a 70,200 stack. Persson opts to 3-bet with K6o to 3,500, Negreanu with his suited connectors is going nowhere and makes the call.

The flop reveals Ts 7s 7c which gives Negreanu a flush draw and Eric Persson zip and pip (in the famous words of Mike Sexton). This slows Persson down as he decides to check. Not wanting to get blown off his equity, Negreanu makes a wise check behind.

The turn is the Ad which is a great card for Persson’s range that may have 3-bet preflop and decided to check the flop. He sezies the opportunity and fires a 4,000 bet into the 7,000 pot. Negreanu decides to call with his flush draw.

The river is where things get really interesting as the 2c lands. Persson has the best hand with just king high but he clearly doesn’t know it as he decides to make a huge mistake. Watch this poker video to find out what it was!

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

#pokerstrategy #highstakesduel #negreanu

WPH #475: Did Eric Persson REALLY Just Do THAT?!?! Read More »

WPH #474: Did This MISTAKE Cost Her $10,200?????

When you decide to talk at the table after making a big bet, you better be sure you know what tells you are giving off! Watch this hand from the Lodge Poker club and find out how this player talking may just cost her $10,200!

Jonathan talks about how someone ‘blind raising’ in a hand should effect everyones strategy. Essentially you should just treat it as a straddle. Although technically Kendall is 3-betting preflop with pocket queens, everyone else at the table should just consider it as a normal raise.

When you have an overpair on a paired board in a multiway pot, you should not look to pile money in too quickly. Kendall makes a great check on the flop as she would be in a miserable spot if she were to face a check/raise. A hand like aces or kings is more preferable to check in this spot as they need less protection from overcards that may fall on the turn if the flop were to check through.

Kendall makes a great check on the river as this maximizes her opportunity to be able to get all of the money in on the river. If she were to lead, Justin may just call with most of his 9x that may bet and find a hero call to a shove. Some flushes may raise when facing a bet but most will call on this paired board. Especially as both of their ranges should be stronger on the river due to the flop being multiway.

Jonathan discusses some of the mistakes he believes Kendall made on the river which could have led Justin to making a very good but correct hero fold on the river. When players look back at their cards before taking an aggressive action, it is usually because they cannot believe that they have such a strong hand. When poker players also take a long time before deciding to raise, this is also usually weighted towards value.

This gripping poker hand took place during a Lodge Poker live stream. With a $100 straddle on in the hand, Fred Flinstone decides to blind raise to $200. Kendall seizes the opportunity to try and steal a rather large preflop pot and raises to $600 with the delightful pocket queens. Justin calls with A7dd from the HJ as do 2 other players including the blind raiser, Fred Flinstone!

4 of them head to a flop of 9h 9d 3d which gives Justin the nut flush draw but Kendall’s overpair is still looking good. Kendall decides to slow down and check which opens the door for Justin to start semi bluffing as he decides to bet $1,250 into a pot of $2,600. Kendall is the only caller as the two of them head to the turn.

The 2d on the turn is a glorious card for Justin as he has now hit the nut flush. Kendall checks again and this time Justin bets slightly over half pot with a $3,700 bet. Kendall who has the queen of diamonds in her hand, decides to call once more.

The river is a disaster for Justin and a miracle for Kendall as she somehow manages to hit the queen of hearts giving her a full house. Kendall sets the trap with another check and Justin bets with what he believes to be the best hand. He bets $6,800 and is completely shocked when Kendall announces she is all in for $17,000. Justin goes deep into the tank and Kendall starts talking, was this a huge mistake on her part? Watch the video to find out!

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

#weeklypokerhand #thelodge #pokerstrategy

WPH #474: Did This MISTAKE Cost Her $10,200????? Read More »

WPH #473: Eric Persson Is TILTING!!!!!!!!

In this weekly poker hand Jonathan analyzes a poker hand where Eric Persson tries to trap with pocket kings on the Hustler Casino Live stream during a $200/$400/$800 game!

Jonathan talks about how he would rather Eric try to trap with a strong pocket pair in an earlier position where the likelihood that someone will 3-bet will be far greater as there are more people to act. When he decides to just flat on the button there are only a few more people left to act that may decide to 3-bet.

Jonathan also discusses Ben’s interesting decision to slow down and check on the turn when he turns two pair. Generally when you are playing multiway and you have a strong hand that is vulnerable to being outdrawn you should look to stay aggressive and build a pot against players that want to realize their equity.

When Ben raises the turn he should generally have no bluffs which means that he needs to be over valuing a hand like pocket jacks or queens for Eric’s call to be profitable.

Make sure when you are playing medium to large pots that you do take a few seconds before you make your decision. Eric Persson decided to snapcall on the river before thinking through any of what had happened throughout the hand. Had he taken a bit more time he may have pieced together the puzzle that Ben’s range was extremely strong after he bet into multiple people on the flop, check-raised the turn into multiple people and then still decided to fire on the river after Eric had called. All of that information makes a hand like pocket kings shrink in value drastically and it will often be the second best hand to Ben’s.

This high stakes poker cash game hand took place on a Hustler Casino Live Stream with blinds at a staggering $200/$400/$800. The lineup for this game features some of the biggest names in the poker world right now with Alan Keating, Luda Chris, Handz & Eric Persson all deciding to pony up the six figure buy-in that was required for this poker game.

The hand starts with Blank Check Ben with a loose raise to $2,000 from UTG with 96cc. He manages to pick up 4 callers including Ben’s villain in this hand – Eric Persson who has decided to trap with his pocket kings.

There is $10,000 in the middle as four players head to a flop of 9h 5d 4c. Ben decides to continue his story having now hit top pair and a backdoor flush draw. He fires $6,300 into the middle. 3 players decide to stick around including Persson who still has his overpair.

The turn is the 6h which now gives Ben two pair. He now decides to slow down and check to which Eric decides to take the betting lead and fire for a huge $20,000 bet into the $35,000 pot. Not wanting to give the other players an opportunity to outdraw his vulnerable hand, Ben decides to fire in the check-raise to $68,000. This forces the other 2 players out of the hand but Persson the non believer makes the call to stick around for the river.

The river is the Td and with $191,000 in the pot Ben is confident he still has the best hand as he bets $80,000 for value. Can Eric Persson make the correct read and a disciplined fold? Watch this poker video to find out!

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

#pokerstrategy #hustlercasinolive #ericpersson

WPH #473: Eric Persson Is TILTING!!!!!!!! Read More »

WPH #472: Do NOT Play Poker With Michael Addamo!!!!!!!

Michael Addamo is respected by most and feared by all at the poker table. He has an uncanny ability to put you in extremely uncomfortable situations for your poker tournament life as well as being able to read situations perfectly to sniff out any bluffs that you might have.

Watch this hand to see one of the greatest poker minds at work as he navigates his way through this hand against another very well respected player in Michael Soyza.

Jonathan talks about what things you should consider when deciding to lead into the preflop aggressor. You should find boards that will connect better with your range rather than your opponents. You should also pick hands that have good equity or hands that are already strong made hands. Do not use hands that have little to no equity.

Jonathan discusses that Addamo might be able to open his raising range slightly due to his image; Addamo is one of the most aggressive players in the high stakes poker tournament circuit. This means that players might be 3-betting with a slightly tighter range against him.

Michael Addamo is a 29 year old Australian professional poker player and is a regular at the highest stakes tournaments in the world. He has over $22,000,000 in live tournament earnings putting him 32th in the all time money list. He also has 4 WSOP bracelets.

Michael Soyza is a professional poker player from Malaysia, he is 68th on the all time money list with over $14,000,000 in total live earnings. He has become a regular at the Triton events, with his best live cash of over $2,200,000 coming at this series in the $100,000 Main Event where he finished runner-up to Talal Shakerchi.

This Triton series was held in Hoi An, Vietnam, it had 15 events ranging with buy-ins from $15,000 up to $100,000 in No Limit Hold’em and Short-Deck.

This high stakes poker hand took place during a $25,000 No Limit Hold’em poker tournament as part of the GG Super Millions at the luxurious Hoiana Resort & Golf in Hoi An, Vietnam.

Michael Addamo kicks off the action with a raise from the cutoff with A4o, Michael Soyza decides to defend his big blind with Q5s with both players being over 100 big blinds effective. Both players head to the flop and see the 6s 4d 2s. Soyza opts for a non standard lead with his gutshot, overcard and flush draw. Addamo who now has middle pair makes the easy call.

The turn brings the 7c which now upgrades Soyza to an open ended flush draw. He continues to tell his story with an 18,000 chip bet into the 24,000 pot. Addamo still the non-believer decides to make the call.

The 9c on the river is a huge brick for Soyza who has missed all of his draws. He decides to continue running his bluff and this time uses a pot size bet. This puts Addamo deep into the tank but can he find the call to win a huge pot?!

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

#pokerstrategy #ggmillions #tritonpoker

WPH #472: Do NOT Play Poker With Michael Addamo!!!!!!! Read More »

WPH #471: $146,800 – Brad Owen’s BIGGEST EVER Pot!

#bradowen #pokerstrategy #thelodge Popular poker vlogger Brad Owen played in the biggest game of his life during the launch week of the new studio at The Lodge Card Club. Just a few years ago he was grinding $2/$5 and $5/$10 but in this hand he is playing $200/$400/$800! This was a recipe for him to play in the biggest ever pot of his life – a staggering $146,800!! Jonathan discusses how the depth of the effective stack should be a factor to consider when you decide whether to continue in a poker hand. He also talks about why Brad should not have a leading range on the king turn as it will generally hit Dylan’s range more than his. Brad’s raise on the turn looks extremely strong due to the stack to pot ratio. It is clear he is setting up for a river jam. Luckily for him Dylan has a poker hand that will continue! This poker hand took place during a Lodge Poker Club’s live stream. The stakes were high with blinds at $200/$400/$800 and both players, Dylan and Brad are both relatively deep stacked. The action starts with Dylan on the button raising to $2,500 and Brad calling from the small blind. Heading to the flop the pot is at $6,600. The flop comes Qd Tc 3s, and Brad checks in flow which opens the door for Dylan to continuation bet $4,800 which Brad calls. The pot has now grown to a healthy $16,200. On the Kh turn, Brad checks again. This time, Dylan bets $10,800. Brad decides to raise to $25,000 with the nuts as he has now turned the straight! Dylan makes the call with his top two pair and the pot grows to a whopping $66,200. As the river comes 2s, Brad bets $40,300 which was enough to put Dylan all in. Dylan goes deep into the tank but eventually decides on putting all his chips across the line only to be delivered the bad news! Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others! You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more! #bradowen #pokerstrategy #thelodge

WPH #471: $146,800 – Brad Owen’s BIGGEST EVER Pot! Read More »