Jonathan Little
Yep! A few years back I decided that I wanted to be able to be home a decent amount of…
On My 2017 WPT Tournament of Champions Bustout
Sadly Amie has to work. 🙁
On My 2017 WPT Tournament of Champions Bustout
When getting excellent pot odds, you should defend with a wide range, certainly including J5s. That said, given we were…
On My 2017 WPT Tournament of Champions Bustout
Thanks! I am glad you enjoy them.
On Weekly Poker Hand #146
It should be clear that when discussing this concept that you have to compare games of equal stakes. I am…
On Playing junk against calling stations
It really depends on the situation. Quite often many amateurs bet huge when deep stacked thinking "I want to charge…
On Force them out of keep them in?
The stage of the tournament is essentially irrelevant. What matters is how your specific opponent reacts to the stage of…
On Playing junk against calling stations
Yeah, bluffing is great versus people who "believe" but it is not so good against calling stations.
On Playing junk against calling stations
I have asked my support team to contact you with this.
On Playing junk against calling stations
It is difficult to say because you should have a much higher edge in weak games compared to tough games,…
On 5 Ways to Stop Losing or Breaking Even