WPH #439: Daniel NEGREANU Is About To LOSE $300,000!

This Weekly Poker Hand took place at the Super High Roller Bowl in the pokerGO studios. A $300,000 poker tournament that features most of the toughest poker professionals in the game.

Daniel ‘Kid Poker’ Negreanu is well known to the poker community and finds himself battling Bryn Kenney, a strong poker professional with over $45,000,000 in live tournament winnings.

Negreanu finds himself in all sorts of trouble on the turn when he hits his set of threes. He has a strong poker hand, but he’s up against a set of aces in Kenney’s hand. Can Negreanu find the miracle 1 outer on the river?

Thank you to PokerGO for allowing me to use this footage, check out this hand and many more on their site – PokerGO.com!

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

#danielnegreanu #pokerstrategy #pokergo

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at PokerCoaching.com for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #439: Daniel NEGREANU Is About To LOSE $300,000! Read More »

WPH #438: Are You LUCKY Or GOOD At Poker?

In this video, I will answer a common question that my poker students often ask me: is poker luck or skill?

It is very easy for a poker player to believe that winning one tournament means that you are a great player. While in some cases that might be correct in others it could also be far from the truth!

To win any poker tournament, you are going to have to be lucky at some point! You are either going to bink to win all-ins or get dealt numerous strong preflop hands.

Remember that sample size is everything. You will need to play a large number of tournaments or hours at the cash game tables to get a better understanding of whether you are getting your money in good more often than not!

Professional poker players understand very clearly how variance works in poker tournaments and poker cash games. They are aware that it takes a combination of luck and skill to win at poker.

On this Poker Coaching channel we cover a weekly poker topic to help improve your poker strategy!

In order to take your poker game to the next level it is vitally important you learn all the nuances of the game.

Do you know what ranges of poker hands you should be playing from each position? When should you 3-bet, call or fold? When is the right time to make a hero call or a huge bluff? Do you know how to play preflop, flop, turn & river effectively and how should your poker strategy change depending on the street? What difference does it make if you are playing multi-way vs heads-up?

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at PokerCoaching.com for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #438: Are You LUCKY Or GOOD At Poker? Read More »

How To EXPLOIT Your OPPONENTS To WIN At Poker! 12-12-2022

The best poker players in the world excel at identifying their opponent’s mistakes and exploiting them for maximum profit. Long before GTO was around, exploitative poker was the root of all poker strategy for poker tournaments and cash games. If you can find a game with plenty of bad poker players, knowing how to exploit their mistakes will take you far.

Today, I will be discussing how to best exploit your opponents and start winning whether you play low stakes or high stakes poker. Considering what your opponents do wrong and knowing how to take advantage will help you grow your poker bankroll over time. Do you struggle knowing what to do against splashy opponents that bluff too much? How about overly tight poker players that only play pocket aces? Regardless of who you are facing on the felt, if you are well studied in exploitative poker strategy you will crush!

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.

You can get 15% off at https://breinfuel.com/ by using code POKERCOACHING.

How To EXPLOIT Your OPPONENTS To WIN At Poker! 12-12-2022 Read More »

WPH #437: $870,000! The LARGEST Pot On Hustler Casino Live!

This is the biggest pot that has ever been played on the Hustler Casino Live at a staggering $870,000!

Henri ‘buttonclickr’ Puustinen is no stranger to the high stakes. He is an online heads up end boss and was one of Doug Polk’s coaches when he battled against Daniel Negreanu.

Nik Airball is a regular on the Hustler Casino Live stream and is known to lend out huge amounts of money to other players at the poker table just to keep the action alive! This man loves to gamble and we can clearly see that as he decides to 3-bet preflop with a low suited connector.

The cooler was set up on the flop after buttonclickr flops a set and Nik flops the nuts. All of the money goes on a safe turn for Nik’s hand. Can buttonclickr find a board pair on the river?

I discuss what things you should consider when deciding whether to bet or check as the preflop aggressor. Always think in terms of ranges!

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

Thank you to Hustler Casino Live for allowing me to use this footage, check out this hand and many more on their amazing YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/HustlerCasinoLive

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at PokerCoaching.com for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #437: $870,000! The LARGEST Pot On Hustler Casino Live! Read More »

WPH #436: Do NOT Try This Against Phil IVEY [Poor Garrett Adelstein!]

This hand features an old school poker legend and a new school poker legend. It’s Phil Ivey vs Garrett Adelstein on the Hustler Casino Live stream!

This game was one of the highest stakes that Hustler Casino Live has seen as they were playing $200/$400/$800/$1600 in this particular poker hand!

Garrett Adelstein has been known to say that Phil Ivey was one of his favorite poker players when he was growing up so it was no surprise he pounced at the opportunity to tangle with him in a high stakes poker hand!

I discuss and explain why when you are playing extremely deep stacked your 3-bet sizes from out of position should be much larger than normal. One big factor that you should consider when defending against large 3-bets are your implied odds.

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

Thank you to Hustler Casino Live for allowing me to use this footage, check out this hand and many more on their amazing YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMYHGfD_v6wuhY9I-bGOYySMWuGBJJEAy

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at PokerCoaching.com for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #436: Do NOT Try This Against Phil IVEY [Poor Garrett Adelstein!] Read More »

WPH #435: Phil IVEY Makes The PERFECT Read! [Hustler Casino Live]

There is a reason why Phil Ivey is considered to be the greatest poker player of all time! This weekly poker hand shows exactly why!

In this poker hand Phil Ivey battles a regular of the Hustler Casino Live stream – Andy Stacks. Andy in his own right is a fantastic poker player but he openly admitted on this stream that he was a big Phil Ivey fanboy and couldn’t wait to play a hand against him! Well he managed to get his wish but I imagine he was hoping to make some more money from him after he turns a flush.

The hand starts with a 3-bet from Ivey preflop with AKo and Andy decides to defend his open with K9s. The flop goes check/check and on the turn when Andy turns the flush he makes an overbet. Fortunately for Andy, Ivey has now made top pair. Can Ivey sniff out this value bet from Andy and find a way to fold an extremely strong poker hand?

This particular poker stream had some of the most talked about characters in the poker industry right now including Robbi Jade Lew & Garrett Adelstein. This poker hand happened just before the hand that everyone has been talking about!

This hand analysis was part of my Weekly Poker Hand series. I have been covering a poker hand every week for over 8 years!

You can find all of the hands I have covered in this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLMYHGfD_v6wuhY9I-bGOYySMWuGBJJEAy

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at PokerCoaching.com for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #435: Phil IVEY Makes The PERFECT Read! [Hustler Casino Live] Read More »

WPH #434: When To TRIPLE BARREL BLUFF [Poker Strategy With Matt Affleck]

This Weekly Poker Hand features PokerCoaching.com coach Matt Affleck who is deep in a World Series of Poker event.

This poker hand took place in the WSOP – Millionaire Maker with less than 100 players left and over $1,000,000 for 1st! Matt finds himself heads-up against a British poker professional – Nick Marchington. Nick made the final table of the WSOP Main Event so he is certainly capable and is known to be a very strong poker player.

The hand starts with Affleck raising from the lojack and Marchington defending the big blind. The paired flop creates an interesting discussion point over range advantage and how best to proceed on these types of flops as the pre-flop aggressor. We also discuss the merits of geometric bet sizing and when best to use this type of betting.

It is important to note when playing any poker hand – who is your opponent and what do you presume their skill level to be? This will help you determine what types of hands they will choose to play which allows you to narrow their range and proceed accordingly.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at PokerCoaching.com for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #434: When To TRIPLE BARREL BLUFF [Poker Strategy With Matt Affleck] Read More »

Cash Game LEAKS & How To FIX Them! | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 11-14-2022

Unlike poker tournaments, every poker chip at a cash game table has a definite dollar amount. Your entire chip stack can go into the pot at any moment, and you would rather get it in good than bluff off all of your money for no reason. While Garrett Adelstein and Phil Ivey may make it look easy, they have dedicated years to studying poker and reducing the mistakes they make at the poker table.

If you repeatedly make the same mistake over and over again playing poker, you have developed a leak that requires fixing! Whether you are three-betting too wide out of position or can’t seem to avoid tilt during online poker sessions, spending time to identify your mistakes and correct them will help grow your bankroll in the long run.

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.

You can get 15% off at https://breinfuel.com/ by using code POKERCOACHING.

Cash Game LEAKS & How To FIX Them! | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 11-14-2022 Read More »

How To WIN Poker TOURNAMENTS [STOP Min-Cashing!] | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 11-21-2022

Have you ever dreamed of winning a World Series of Poker bracelet or a World Poker Tour title? If you want to make those dreams a reality, you must be willing to put in the work and study poker tournament strategy. While you always need a little bit of luck to win live and online poker tournaments, you can’t be dealt pocket aces every time! Taking the time to not just play poker but study it as well will leave you prepared for whatever the deck throws at you.

My team of professional poker players and I have worked extremely hard to create my new Advanced Tournament Course. For poker players looking to not just min-cash but make final tables and win poker tournaments, this epic course provides all the lessons you need whether it be making deep stacked adjustments or mastering heads-up poker.

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.

You can get 15% off at https://breinfuel.com/ by using code POKERCOACHING.

How To WIN Poker TOURNAMENTS [STOP Min-Cashing!] | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 11-21-2022 Read More »


Garrett Adelstein is the biggest winner on the Hustler Casino Live stream having won over $1,000,000. In today’s hand he is battling against a billionaire recreational poker player – Stanley Tang.

The hand starts with Stanley raising under the gun (UTG) with AKo and in true aggressive Garrett fashion he opts to 3-bet to isolate the recreational player with A9c. Stanley decides to 4-bet and Garrett calls.

Both players hit top pair on the flop and after some betting the magical speech comes from Garrett as he tries to figure out where he is at in this poker hand.

I discuss how most poker players are not check raising on flops as bluffs as often as they should. This leak allows others to exploit them maximally as the strength of their opponent’s hand is very obvious if they do decide to check-raise!

Can Garrett make the correct decision and fold a very strong hand?

Thank you to Hustler Casino Live for allowing me to use this footage, check out this hand and many more on their amazing YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/HustlerCasinoLive

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at PokerCoaching.com for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #433: Can GARRETT Beat A BILLIONAIRE? Read More »