Hi Jonathan, Thanks for this message. Unless missed it, did you mention WSOP.com? I live in Los Angeles, I was…
On Online Poker for Americans
Thank you for helping us separate the quality sites from the shaky ones! Buyer Beware!! It is much appreciated.
On Online Poker for Americans
Dave O comes across as a fairly loose player, but could he have been slow playing/trapping with KK in this…
On Weekly Poker Hand #246
Feel a little silly, that I didn't just spot it as a typo ... But thanks for the great content…
On Feeling Pot Committed
Strongly agree. If you’re a new player and really need to think, that’s one thing, but experienced winning players should…
On Playing Slowly
Thank you for the content. I tend to use a 4bet or fold rationale when OOP like with the AJs…
On Weekly Poker Hand #245
Insightful! Thanks for sharing your expertise.
On Weekly Poker Hand #245
I appreciate the insights and the recommendations. While I try not to play slowly there are times that I need…
On Playing Slowly
I don't really get your example; "Suppose you get to the river with 7-4 on an A-4-2-7-K board. You bet…
On Feeling Pot Committed
Yeah no way he folding to any bet on the river. No possible flush. The only possible 7 9 straight…
On Weekly Poker Hand #244