Hi Jonathan, Thanks for the great content. What are we hoping to achieve by check calling the villians bet? Are…
On When NOT to Check-Raise
A "tight, straightforward player" raises to 3 big blinds out of his 50 big blind effective stack "from middle position"…
On When NOT to Check-Raise
I’ve always folded my small blind even when it wasn’t proven to be a leak and I always thought I…
On Weekly Poker Hand #228
Just interested as to why top pair 9 is not marginal. What's considered marginal, middle pair? If so, why check…
On When NOT to Check-Raise
Why is shoving not a good option? His M is less than 10, he's likely to pick up an extra…
On Weekly Poker Hand #228
Awsome, I wish DNB could ship to Canada ! Run good everybody!
On Exploitative Play vs GTO Play by Michael Acevedo
The 2BB guy in the SB does have to call, he’s already got half a BB invested, he’s got a…
On Weekly Poker Hand #227
Thanks for the advice I would love to see you guys soon.
On Watch Once You Have Won $1,000,000 – Featuring Mike Sexton
This is were I am strong and I do not have an ego thing going on. I don’t have a…
On Watch Once You Have Won $1,000,000 – Featuring Mike Sexton
i would take the 20 year buy in. 20 chances to get into good money verses one chance at money.
On Would you rather have free WSOP buy-ins for the next 20 years or play heads-up for $500,000