
Aram Zobian Discord AMA May 2022!

Hey everyone, check out the Ask Me Anything that Aram Zobian did for all of our Discord users which is avalaible above or on our podcast feed over at Spotify & iTunes!

Aram is the most recent addition to the PokerCoaching roster and a long-term tournament crusher. He is also a master of exploitative poker & has over $7M in tournament cashes including a final table at the 2018 WSOP Main Event!

You will need to download iTunes to view it.

Here is the iTunes link: iTunes AMA

Here is the Spotify link: Spotify AMA has grown and now offers top-level coaching from myself, Jonathan Jaffe, Matt Affleck, Faraz Jaka, Michael Acevedo, Lexy Gavin, Tristan Wade, Alex Fitzgerald, and Evan Jarvis!

If you’re looking to take your game to the next level, start your FREE PokerCoaching membership HERE


How to Play Your Draws: HERE

3-Betting Concepts: HERE

Also, Download my FREE Preflop Charts HERE

Make sure to subscribe for more Poker Concept Videos, a Weekly Poker Hand Analysis, In-Depth Poker Strategy Videos, A Little Coffee, and much more!

Aram Zobian Discord AMA May 2022! Read More »

WPH #419: A Huge MISTAKE Cost Him $90,000! [High Stakes Poker]

Garrett Adelstein a regular on the Hustler Casino Live show finds himself in a huge pot against businessman Michael. Michael makes a huge mistake that might just cost him $90,000!

Garrett Adelstein is the largest winner on the Hustler Casino Live stream having amassed over an incredible $1,000,000 in profit since the start of the high stakes poker stream. His loose and aggressive playing style means that he finds himself getting paid in big spots when he has big hands!

Because of his image other players have been known to lose their minds against him and completely overvalue the strength of their hand and pile stacks of money into the middle!

Remember to take your time when you have a big decision at the poker table. Be courteous of the other poker players but when the decision is for a $180,000 pot you are more than welcome to take more than 2 seconds to decide!

Thank you to Hustler Casino Live for allowing me to use this footage, check out this hand and many more on their amazing YouTube channel here:

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!

When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #419: A Huge MISTAKE Cost Him $90,000! [High Stakes Poker] Read More »

WPH #418: How To WIN $115,000 With Pocket ACES

Matt Berkey wakes up with pocket aces in this high stakes poker cash game on the Hustler Casino Live stream. How much value can he get in a multiway pot?

Berkey only has 56% equity on the flop so he needs to thin the field as quickly as possible but a sticky recreational player has top pair and decides to raise. This turns out to be a huge pot on this poker live stream!

The flop is a good one for Berkey’s pocket aces as there are no strong draws available so he should definitely be continuing to build a pot by betting.

I discuss the poker strategy that you should be considering to disguise the strength of your hand on the flop to encourage your opponent’s to stack off lighter on future betting rounds.

It is important to always be considering your opponent’s range and find the spots to continue value betting against the more loose & passive poker players.

Thank you to Hustler Casino Live for allowing me to use this footage, check out this hand and many more on their amazing YouTube channel here:

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #418: How To WIN $115,000 With Pocket ACES Read More »

How To CHIP UP In POKER Tournaments | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 7-25-2022

The ability to acquire more poker chips is the only thing that keeps you alive in a poker tournament. Eventually, you are going to need to pull more chips into your chip stack if you hope to make the final table. Being able to run deep in poker tournaments starts with studying the best poker tournament strategies. Even if you go card dead, if you are properly prepared you can take on any live or online poker tournament.

Texas Hold’em can be a brutal game sometimes, especially when you are card dead and can’t seem to make any strong hands. When playing large field tournaments like the WSOP, you must be comfortable making moves that successfully add to your stack, as you will need them to play to the end.

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.⁣

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.⁣

You can get 15% off at and by using code POKERCOACHING.⁣ ⁣

Join my 30 Day Cash Game CHALLENGE – HERE

POKER COACHING: has grown and now offers top-level coaching from myself, Jonathan Jaffe, Matt Affleck, Faraz Jaka, Michael Acevedo, Lexy Gavin, Tristan Wade, Alex Fitzgerald, and Evan Jarvis!

Let me know if you have any questions!

If you’re looking to take your game to the next level, start your FREE PokerCoaching membership HERE


How to Play Your Draws: HERE

3-Betting Concepts: HERE

Also, Download my FREE Preflop Charts HERE

Make sure to subscribe for more Poker Concept Videos, a Weekly Poker Hand Analysis, In-Depth Poker Strategy Videos, A Little Coffee, and much more!

How To CHIP UP In POKER Tournaments | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 7-25-2022 Read More »

WPH #417: Poker PRO BLOWS UP In A HIGH STAKES Tournament [partypoker Premier League]

This hand showcases the infamous Luke ‘__FullFlush1__’ Schwartz as he navigates his way through a star-studded lineup that includes: Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Roland De Wolfe, Vanessa Rousso and the villain in this hand – David Benyamine.

The hand took place during partypoker’s Premier League that was a series of SIt & Go’s (SNGs) that players would battle out for points to get a spot at the final table.

Luke Schwartz is known to not hold back at the poker table as he uses crazy speech play to try and tilt his opponents into making bad decisions and incorrect plays. This hand is no different as Luke Schartz goes loco against David Benyamine after apparently being the victim of a poker angle earlier in the game.

This poker hand took place before there was even a thought of PIOsolver or any solver for that matter! I think if we were to plug pretty much all of these actions into a modern poker solver it might just self implode. Having said that, these were some of the glory days in poker with extremely exciting table antics!

In the end the stars aligned and Luke Schwartz faced David Benyamine heads up for the title but unfortunately for him he came 2nd, maybe he still needs to work a little on his heads up game? 😅

Thank you to partypoker for allowing me to use this footage, check out their amazing YouTube channel here:

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!

When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #417: Poker PRO BLOWS UP In A HIGH STAKES Tournament [partypoker Premier League] Read More »

WPH #415: How To Extract MAX VALUE Against RECREATIONALS [WSOP Main Event]

“This is one of the most important spots in No Limit Hold’em” – Matt Affleck Playing in the World Series Of Poker Main Event you will find a huge mix of poker players ranging from top poker professionals to complete recreational players.

In this hand PokerCoaching coach Matt Affleck talks about why he does not bet on low flops when multiway as the UTG player. He also explains why choosing a small bet size is a good poker strategy to deny equity from overcards for a hand that might be vulnerable.

Many players happen to make big mistakes during the WSOP Main Event as they can become overwhelmed with playing in the biggest poker tournament of their lives.

We also discuss a lot about the ranges of hands that players should have in particular positions at the poker table and how that should affect your postflop strategy. Lots of players will over-value the strength of overpairs in multiway pots and subsequently find themselves either winning a small pot or losing a very large pot.

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!

When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #415: How To Extract MAX VALUE Against RECREATIONALS [WSOP Main Event] Read More »

WPH #414: Pocket ACES vs A TINY BET [$25,000 High Stakes Poker Tournament]

In this Weekly Poker Hand, we see an incredible line taken with pocket rockets (nickname for pocket aces) in the Super High Roller Bowl Europe series.

On this final table Liviu Ignat wakes up with the pocket rockets in the HJ and Danny Tang defends his big blind with a suited connector. The board runs out pretty unfavorable for Ignat but he is facing such a tiny bet on the river. Can he find the correct fold?

The Super High Roller Bowl is a festival that every aspiring tournament poker player wants to compete in. It features the biggest names in poker with regulars such as Daniel Negreanu, Jason Koon, Stephen Chidwick, Ali Imsirovic & Michael Addamo.

This $25,000 high stakes poker tournament was played at the Merit Royal Hotel Casino & Spa in Cyprus which has recently been host to many great poker festivals and is quickly becoming the new mecca in tournament poker.

Thank you to PokerGO for allowing me to use this footage, check out this hand and many more on their YouTube channel here:

How to play draws: Here!

When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #414: Pocket ACES vs A TINY BET [$25,000 High Stakes Poker Tournament] Read More »

Master A SHORT STACK In POKER Tournaments | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 6-27-2022

Throughout a poker tournament, it is quite common for the eventual tournament winner to lose a significant amount of their chips at some point during their run. Rarely will you win every flip and coast your way to the final table, to be a winning tournament poker player you must be effective and comfortable playing with a short stack.

When playing short stacked, it can often feel like your back is against the wall as you get bullied by big stacks. Regardless of how many big blinds you have, poise and patience are a requirement for any winning poker player. Assess the tendencies of your opponents, recognize the range of hands needed to play with, and grind your way to the final table.

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to focus consistently throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.⁣

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.⁣

You can get 15% off at and by using code POKERCOACHING.⁣ ⁣

Join my 30 Day Cash Game CHALLENGE – HERE

POKER COACHING: has grown and now offers top-level coaching from myself, Jonathan Jaffe, Matt Affleck, Faraz Jaka, Michael Acevedo, Lexy Gavin, Tristan Wade, Alex Fitzgerald, and Evan Jarvis!

Let me know if you have any questions!

If you’re looking to take your game to the next level, start your FREE PokerCoaching membership HERE


How to Play Your Draws: HERE

3-Betting Concepts: HERE

Also, Download my FREE Preflop Charts HERE

Make sure to subscribe for more Poker Concept Videos, a Weekly Poker Hand Analysis, In-Depth Poker Strategy Videos, A Little Coffee, and much more!

Master A SHORT STACK In POKER Tournaments | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 6-27-2022 Read More »

WPH #413: DON’T Bluff Like THIS With Next Gen Poker

“I want to be internet famous so I call!” – This is probably a good sign at the start of a hand that your opponent will not be folding!

Frankie from the Next Gen Poker finds himself in a tough river spot and decides to go for a brave bluff against a very jolly opponent who wants to feature in his poker vlog.

These poker players in Texas like to play large pots and do not often like to fold! Be very selective with who you plan to bluff because sometimes you will find players that will just never fold.

Remember that when you are raising preflop from out of position you should be using a slightly larger sizing. You should also be checking back some hands on the river that have showdown value and not bluff with every single one.

Thank you to the Next Gen Poker guys for allowing me to use their footage from this poker vlog. Check out their brilliant poker channel here:

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!

When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #413: DON’T Bluff Like THIS With Next Gen Poker Read More »

WPH #412: Pocket KINGS Facing An OVERBET With Johnnie Vibes

Johnnie Vibes has pocket kings and faces a large overbet on the turn in this cash game at the Hideaway Poker Club in Texas. His opponent announces at the beginning of the hand that he wants to ‘make the vlog!’ Could this be a tell of a huge incoming bluff?

When you have an overpair to the board it should mostly be a beautiful feeling. What about when you are facing an almost 2x pot shove on the turn? Vibes correctly identifies the strength of his opponent’s hand and makes a great fold.

I talk about the adjustments you should be making when playing in deepstacked live cash games. I also discuss button straddles and how they can affect the way the game plays; remember that position is king!

Johnnie Vibes is a poker vlogger who plays in various cash games throughout the US. In this vlog he visits Texas and the Hideaway Poker Club to see whether texas poker is as wild as it seems!

Thank you to Johnnie Vibes for allowing me to use the footage from this poker vlog. Check out his brilliant poker channel here:

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!

When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #412: Pocket KINGS Facing An OVERBET With Johnnie Vibes Read More »