Aram Zobian Discord AMA May 2022!
Hey everyone, check out the Ask Me Anything that Aram Zobian did for all of our Discord users which is avalaible above or on our podcast feed over at Spotify & iTunes!
Aram is the most recent addition to the PokerCoaching roster and a long-term tournament crusher. He is also a master of exploitative poker & has over $7M in tournament cashes including a final table at the 2018 WSOP Main Event!
You will need to download iTunes to view it.
Here is the iTunes link: iTunes AMA
Here is the Spotify link: Spotify AMA has grown and now offers top-level coaching from myself, Jonathan Jaffe, Matt Affleck, Faraz Jaka, Michael Acevedo, Lexy Gavin, Tristan Wade, Alex Fitzgerald, and Evan Jarvis!
If you’re looking to take your game to the next level, start your FREE PokerCoaching membership HERE
How to Play Your Draws: HERE
3-Betting Concepts: HERE
Also, Download my FREE Preflop Charts HERE
Make sure to subscribe for more Poker Concept Videos, a Weekly Poker Hand Analysis, In-Depth Poker Strategy Videos, A Little Coffee, and much more!
Aram Zobian Discord AMA May 2022! Read More »