I pick up pocket Queens and have to decide if I want to play for all my money, both before and after the flop.
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If you have any questions or comments about this hand, feel free to ask in the comments section!
Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week at JonathanLittlePoker.com for another episode of Weekly Poker Hand.
I’m listening! Keep it up.. Always good to get the insights of a real expert, who thinks at a level way deeper than I do, currently, as a naive beginner.. By episode 500 I should be way better..!
Dave (UK)
great review
Do watch weekly hand. Its been helpful listening to your analysis. Thanks for the continued effort.
HI jomathan
Yes, at least you have one follower here in lil ole New Zealand.
I think I would raise some where, maybe one the flop in a small stakes game.
I usually play with a lot of loose players who do bluff often and limp with any two cards.
The one river card that would have been a disaster for you would have been a Queen and then could you fold to his all in at the showdown?
No shot. I am not in the business of folding the effective nuts.
I look forward to these every week – please keep them up! I’m thinking 520 episodes is a good goal for you