Jonathan Little
Thanks! I am glad you like it!
On The Bankroll Bible
Thanks! I am glad you like it.
On The Bankroll Bible
At the end of the day, if you play poker to make money, you should not lose it (or give…
On The Bankroll Bible
You are allowed to be on your phone as long as you are not in a hand. Also, I use…
On Lucky flop leads to the final table in the $5,000 WSOP event
Why turn my hand into a bluff when I beat most hands that will be happy to see a showdown?
On Weekly Poker Hand #218
Perhaps start with something like go fish and then 5-card draw or limit hold'em.
On Lucky flop leads to the final table in the $5,000 WSOP event
On A Costly Lesson from a Wild Game
He could easily have an Ace by the river as played. I would definitely blast off with this hand though,…
On Weekly Poker Hand #217
Still call. I am certainly not trying to fold a hand that is near the top of my checking range.
On Weekly Poker Hand #216
Probably call.
On Weekly Poker Hand #216