3 COMMON Preflop LEAKS & How To FIX Them! | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 2-13-2023

If you want to be a profitable poker player (cash game or tournament) you need a solid preflop strategy! In this video I break down 3 of the biggest mistakes small stakes players are making and what you need to do to fix them.

This live poker webinar will teach you how to master preflop poker and improve your win rate!

You’ll learn when to 3-bet, call or fold according to preflop ranges/charts, as well as specifically how you should be thinking before the flop to avoid making mistakes on future betting rounds!

Mastering preflop poker is vitally important to playing solid winning poker. By playing the incorrect ranges preflop you will find yourself in extremely difficult situations postflop and often lose your stack to far superior poker hands.

On this Poker Coaching channel we cover a weekly poker topic to help improve your poker strategy!

In order to take your poker game to the next level it is vitally important you learn all the nuances of the game.

Do you know what ranges of poker hands you should be playing from each position? When should you 3-bet, call or fold? When is the right time to make a hero call or a huge bluff? Do you know how to play preflop, flop, turn & river effectively and how should your poker strategy change depending on the street? What difference does it make if you are playing multi-way vs heads-up?

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.

You can get 15% off at https://breinfuel.com and by using code POKERCOACHING

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.

You can get 15% off at https://breinfuel.com and by using code POKERCOACHING.

#pokerstrategy #pokerbankroll #pokertips

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.

You can get 15% off at https://breinfuel.com/ by using code POKERCOACHING.

3 COMMON Preflop LEAKS & How To FIX Them! | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 2-13-2023 Read More »

WPH #446: Brad Owen Gets OUT OF LINE & DESTROYS This Poker Player!

Popular poker vlogger Brad Owen finds himself in a dream spot in the Bellagio poker room whilst playing $5/$10 as he flops a flush against a splashy recreational poker player. Can he find a way to get max value?

Jonathan discusses what you should think about when deciding to isolate pre-flop against players that like to limp. He also discusses that a Game Theory Optimal (GTO) approach prefers to use a small bet size on monotone flops (flops that are all one suit). When players use a larger bet size you should be much tighter in the range that you decide to call and continue with.

Jonathan talks about a mistake that a lot of poker players make which is attempting to put their opponent’s on a very specific hand rather than a range of hands. Don’t be this type of poker player!

The hand starts with a limp from the under the gun recreational player. Brad Owen decides to raise on the button to isolate his opponent with a speculative 85hh. The big blind cold calls and under the gun decides to call as well. The flop is one that we dream of as it comes KQT all hearts giving Brad a flopped flush. Brad continues using a large bet size and the recreational player calls. The turn is a brick 2d and Brad continues using a large size which the recreational poker player calls. The river is a clean 7s and Brad shoves all in for a pot sized bet. Will he get maximum value from the recreational?

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

#bradowen #pokerstrategy #cashpoker

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at PokerCoaching.com for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #446: Brad Owen Gets OUT OF LINE & DESTROYS This Poker Player! Read More »

How I WON $169,850 At The PokerStars Caribbean Adventure! [PCA 2023] | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 2-6-2023

PokerStars came back in full force with the first trip of 2023 in the beautiful Baha Mar resort in Nassau, The Bahamas. I had a wonderful time playing some poker and a couple of final tables meant it was a profitable trip!

In this live poker webinar I’ll take you through some of the biggest hands that helped me run deep in the PokerStars Caribbean Adventure (PCA) Main Event as well as the slightly smaller BSOP Main Event.

It was truly a magical experience to compete in the PokerStars Players Championship (PSPC). Although we unfortunately bust on Day 2 it was incredible to see so many Platinum Pass Winners run deep and score life changing money! I plan to be back for the next one!

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.

You can get 15% off at https://breinfuel.com and by using code POKERCOACHING

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.

You can get 15% off at https://breinfuel.com and by using code POKERCOACHING.

#pokerstrategy #pokerbankroll #pokertips

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.

You can get 15% off at https://breinfuel.com/ by using code POKERCOACHING.

How I WON $169,850 At The PokerStars Caribbean Adventure! [PCA 2023] | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 2-6-2023 Read More »

WPH #445: How To READ When Your OPPONENT Is WEAK With Jaman Burton!

In this weekly poker hand Jonathan reviews a spot that Jaman ‘The Drawing Dead’ Burton found himself in at the Bellagio poker room in Las Vegas whilst playing a $5/$10/$20 cash game.

Remember that when you are playing in a game that has a straddle that the stack sizes in big blinds are essentially divided in half. Make sure that you adjust your ranges and poker strategy accordingly!

When you are looking to isolate preflop with a raise you should look to use a larger size when you are out of position. This will hurt the implied odds of many suited connectors as the stack to pot ratio will decrease which helps give you a small advantage as you are playing out of position.

Jonathan discusses the questions you should be asking yourself when deciding on the optimal bet size in any given situation at the poker table. An exploitative strategy against recreational poker players is to size up with your value hands as they will tend to continue with the exact same range regardless of bet size (within reason!)

Jaman Burton faces a raise on the flop after he has isolated preflop with pocket queens. Both Jaman and Jonathan discuss what range of poker hands would potentially be doing this. Jonathan suggests that sets should not be raising as they are unlikely to be outdrawn on this board considering Jaman’s raise preflop which narrows his range to strong overcards and overpairs.

Jonathan’s read on the turn is that Jaman’s opponent is trying to look as strong as he can by jamming all in very quickly after Jaman decides to check. Most of the time when opponents are doing this Jonathan believes that they are bluffing!

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

#pokerstrategy #jamanburton #cashgame

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at PokerCoaching.com for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #445: How To READ When Your OPPONENT Is WEAK With Jaman Burton! Read More »

WPH #444: JWIN Wants To HURT This Poker Player!

Jonathan is joined by PokerCoaching coach JWIN to discuss a hand that he played at the Lodge Poker Club in Austin, Texas.

They discuss the interesting choice from the small blind to just flat call pre-flop. Generally in cash games most players will opt for a 3-bet or fold strategy from the small blind. By the small blind just calling pre-flop it gives a lot of information as to the range of hands that they might have.

This poker hand starts with a very standard raise from JWIN with AQo and a call from the small blind with KTo. On the flop the small blind checks and JWIN continuation bets with top pair for around half pot. On the turn JWIN decides to size up as a flush draw is now available and the opponent could also still have a worse ace. The river brings in the backdoor flush and some straight combinations and JWIN’s opponent decides to lead for a pot sized bet. JWIN has the nut flush blocker and also a straight blocker and opts to turn his top pair into a bluff and uses an extremely large raise size. Will his opponent sniff out the bluff and call with two pair?

On this Poker Coaching channel we cover a weekly poker topic to help improve your poker strategy!

In order to take your poker game to the next level it is vitally important you learn all the nuances of the game.

Do you know what ranges of poker hands you should be playing from each position? When should you 3-bet, call or fold? When is the right time to make a hero call or a huge bluff? Do you know how to play preflop, flop, turn & river effectively and how should your poker strategy change depending on the street? What difference does it make if you are playing multi-way vs heads-up?

#pokerstrategy #lodgepokerclub #jwin

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at PokerCoaching.com for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #444: JWIN Wants To HURT This Poker Player! Read More »

WPH #443: Can A DRUNK Amateur BEAT Doug POLK?

Jonathan has always said that you should find the poker table that looks the most fun and splashy. Doug ‘WCGRider’ Polk has found exactly that as he battles against a poker player that may have drank a few too many cocktails! This poker hand took place at the Lodge Poker Club in Austin, Texas. Doug Polk is now a part owner of the club alongside popular poker vloggers Brad Owen & Andrew Neeme.

What makes this poker hand so entertaining is how Adam is constantly talking which appears to be confusing Doug and clouding his judgment on whether to call or fold on the river.

Jonathan talks about how you should often call on flops when you are getting incredible pot odds and you have a hand that has backdoor equity and you are playing in position. Players will fold too often and not factor the bet size that they are facing into their decision!

Doug only has ace high on the river but he knows that something doesn’t quite feel right as he clearly goes back and forth on his decision. Will he ultimately make the correct decision to call against this crazy bluff from Adam?

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

#dougpolk #thelodge #pokerstrategy

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at PokerCoaching.com for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #443: Can A DRUNK Amateur BEAT Doug POLK? Read More »

WPH #442: Is This The Worst ANGLE & SLOW ROLL In The SAME Hand?!

Rising poker star Sashimi takes on established TikTok super star Tommy Unold in this weekly poker hand. The hand has everything as a recipe for disaster as both players have a full house on the turn.

This poker hand took place on Max Pain Monday which is a show hosted by Hustler Casino Live. It encourages showing bluffs, slow rolls, running all-ins only 1 time and generally trying to cause as much pain to your opponent as possible. Is this the worst angle & slow roll in the same poker hand? Decide for yourself!

The hand starts with Tommy limping in early position. Sashimi in the next seat decides to raise to isolate him and Tommy calls. The flop already spells disaster for Tommy as he flops trip queens but is up against Sashimi’s flopped full house. Things go from bad to worse when Tommy turns his own full house which is where this poker hand starts to fall off the rails. Sashimi throws her hand across the betting line and then retrieves it as she apologizes. Tommy cannot find the fold button by the river and is noticeably distraught at this brutal bad beat. What makes this poker hand even more brutal is that Sashimi decides to slow roll him by only showing her queen first before delivering the finishing blow and revealing the jack that is just behind it!

Watch my video on Poker Bunny and decide whether you think she was slowrolling!: LINKhttps://youtu.be/SMgm5olTvfk

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

#pokerstrategy #hustlercasinolive #pokerstream

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at PokerCoaching.com for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #442: Is This The Worst ANGLE & SLOW ROLL In The SAME Hand?! Read More »

How To BUILD Your Poker BANKROLL To $100,000! | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 1-9-2023

I get many questions from my poker students about how best to build their poker bankroll. In today’s live webinar I will walk you through the steps that you need to turn your bankroll into $100,000 in today’s poker climate.

It takes a lot of hard work and dedication. Poker is not a get rich quick scheme and all of the top poker professionals have put in hours of study and playing to be at the top of the game.

With poker solvers the game has become tougher than it has ever been before so it is extremely important to make sure you are playing in poker games that you are a favorite in. One of my best pieces of advice is to find a game that you beat and just keep playing that! That could be in cash games or tournaments but remember that poker tournaments will have a higher variance than poker cash games.

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.

You can get 15% off at https://breinfuel.com and by using code POKERCOACHING.

#pokerstrategy #pokerbankroll #pokertips

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.

You can get 15% off at https://breinfuel.com/ by using code POKERCOACHING.

How To BUILD Your Poker BANKROLL To $100,000! | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 1-9-2023 Read More »

WPH #441: Can Rampage Poker BEAT Mariano? [BATTLE Of The Poker Vloggers!]

Two of the biggest poker vloggers battle it out in this high stakes cash game hand. Rampage Poker takes on his good friend Mariano in a $81,000 pot!

We view this poker hand from Rampage’s perspective as he wakes up with pocket jacks aka pocket jiggities (coined by the popular Brad Owen!). He faces extreme aggression from Mariano after he faces a 4 bet preflop and then very large bet sizes on the turn and river.

Jonathan discusses what things you should consider when deciding to raise or call against small bet sizes with hands that are vulnerable.

As your opponent’s are more loose & aggressive you should be inclined to make lighter calls against them as their range to continue will contain more bluffs. It is important to be counting combinations of hands that your opponent could have to determine whether they will have enough bluffs in their range. This will help you decide as to whether you should continue in the poker hand or not.

It is well known that Rampage Poker (Ethan Yau) is good friends with Mariano but as you will find out in this poker hand, there are no friends at the poker table!

Thank you to Rampage Poker for allowing me to use the footage from this poker vlog. Check out his amazing poker channel here: https://youtube.com/rampagepoker

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

#rampagepoker #mariano #highstakespoker

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at PokerCoaching.com for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #441: Can Rampage Poker BEAT Mariano? [BATTLE Of The Poker Vloggers!] Read More »

WPH #440: He LOSES $310,000 & Then THIS Happens! [SHOCKING Poker Drama]

When two big poker personalities clash in a poker hand you know there is going to be fireworks!

MrDrBatman, a regular on the Lodge Live poker stream, took on businessman and professional trash talker Eric Persson.

This is a huge high stakes poker cash game on the Hustler Casino Live stream as they are playing $200/400/$800 with a $1,600 straddle in this hand! MrDrBatman opens the action with a raise to $5,000 with pocket queens and he picks up 3 callers. On a flop of AT8xhh he decides to take an unconventional line and bet large into this multiway pot.

When you are out of position and playing in multiway pots you should only really continue betting with a very tight linear range.

The poker drama happens on the river when Eric Persson starts to trash talk MrDrBatman after he wins a huge pot off him, do you think he was out of line?

Jonathan Little analyzes live poker hands from TV poker shows such as Poker After Dark, Hustler Casino Live, The Lodge Poker Club & PokerGO. He also analyzes popular poker vloggers such as Rampage Poker, Brad Owen, Jaman Burton, Ashley Sleeth, Wolfgang Poker and others!

You will also find many poker hands on this channel that contain some of the biggest names in the poker world such as; Daniel Negreanu, Phil Hellmuth, Phil Ivey, Doug Polk, Garrett Adelstein, Tom ‘Durrrr’ Dwan, Dan ‘Jungleman’ Cates, Fedor Holz & many more!

#pokerhand #hustlercasino #pokerstrategy

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at PokerCoaching.com for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #440: He LOSES $310,000 & Then THIS Happens! [SHOCKING Poker Drama] Read More »