10 Things You Can Start Doing TODAY to Improve Your Poker Game

In this blog post, I will list and explain 10 things you can start doing today that will improve your poker game. Even if you only apply one of the tips listed below, you will increase your win rate. There is never a better time to start improving than today.

1. Start reraising with a polarized range.

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Do Not Pay Off Tight Poker Players

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© Pokernews

Time and time again, I see people play overly tight, hoping to get paid off whenever they pick up a strong hand. While everyone probably knows to simply fold whenever a tight player enters the pot, it seems like the tight player often finds a way to get all-in before the flop with A-A. The easiest way to avoid set-up situations against the tight players is to simply never give them action. …

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How I lost 40 pounds and got in the best shape of my life

Marathon medalIn this blog post, I am not only going to tell you how I got fat, but I will also explain how I got in the best shape of my life.

Throughout this post, I will outline changes you can make to your eating habits to get in great shape with minimal effort.

My Past

As a 12 year old boy, my diet consisted of microwavable chicken pot pies, canned vegetables, and Coca-Cola. Sometimes we would get lucky and have pizza or Chinese food.

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