Jonathan, your stack was obviously larger than his since you put him all in at the end. What size was…
On Check-Raise Bluffing the River
The check raise bluff is great against good thinking players. They know that a river raise is so heavily weighted…
On Check-Raise Bluffing the River
Thanks -- wish I had read this a few years ago when I was chip leader at my table in…
On Abusing the Bubble in a $10,000 Buy-In Event
nice list, been a fan of mike sexton for a longgg time (when poker used to be easy)
On Top 5 Posts of 2018
Hi, very interesting situation. Please spare a few moments to analyze one of my recent hands. 5,50 $ hyper 6…
On Fold Pocket Aces on the Flop?
Mike sexton podcast was awesome. I can see why party poker hired him. Charismatic and humble!
On Top 5 Posts of 2018
I also can not believe players who play in 4 figure tournaments don’t understand the basics of playing poker, like…
On Leading Usually Does Not Make Sense
of all the free webinars of yours that I have watched, the one I enjoyed the most was the one…
On Top 5 Posts of 2018
The more amateur mistakes that you think you will benefit the group, can only mean its worth while reading. I’m…
On Leading Usually Does Not Make Sense
good luck i as a business man have short time for coaching i like the most hands analysis if you…
On Vegas Retreat Vlog