My podcast app (Podcast Addict) is no longer picking up new episodes of WPH after 235, so the last 2,…
On Weekly Poker Hand #237
Suppose the exact same situation comes in cash game where everyone is 100BB deep. What would you suggest hero should…
On 3-Betting All-In Preflop
So do we think a 3 bet re raise from hero on the turn when he made 2 pair would…
On Facing a Lead on All Three Streets
Hero didn't bet the flop, his opponent did (View title 😊 ).
On Facing a Lead on All Three Streets
I really thought that the 9d-5d would be out of villain's calling range pre-flop, since he was a straight forward…
On Facing a Lead on All Three Streets
Jonathan, In the situation with Joe's A-10 and Lon's K-K, would Joe have been better off checking pre-flop rather than…
On Weekly Poker Hand #236
Good article but what is the important concept to be taken from it?
On Facing a Lead on All Three Streets
Hi Jonathan, It was great meeting you at the NYAC. I looked for your contact info in your books .…
On Check-Raise Bluffing the River
When you do a river bluff what petcentage of the times do you decide on the river, the turn, or…
On Check-Raise Bluffing the River
Pretty good explanation per normal, but does logic go out of the window or do we need to tighten up…
On Weekly Poker Hand #233