While giving us reasons not to use one, you just gave us another piece of info to study about all…
On Do NOT Use a Card Protector
Valid points - it's interesting when I look at my own reaction. I use my grandfather's lighter (he would light…
On Do NOT Use a Card Protector
when he says this he very likely means more than 3 total times: "I continued to take advantage of this…
On Exploit Your Opponent’s Tendencies
I like it. This gives me confirmation for similar moves I've been making. Most successful, but a few have gone…
On Exploit Your Opponent’s Tendencies
Thanks, Jonathan! Another very thoughtful article. Thanks for all you do in your blogs, books, and videos. You're the best.…
On Exploit Your Opponent’s Tendencies
Great read! Ty
On Exploit Your Opponent’s Tendencies
Thanks, Jonathan. To add this into your continuing discussion about equity and variance, I made the same play recently in…
On Don’t Be Afraid to Go for Full Value
Are greater than pot-sized river bets becoming more common? Back in the day that pretty much never meant a bluff.
On Don’t Be Afraid to Go for Full Value
Very interesting hand.Thanks for the insight, as always.
On Don’t Be Afraid to Go for Full Value
Since 2 BB is a hefty profit for this play, can I assume any profit makes risk worth the reward?…
On 3-Betting All-In Preflop