Like always Mr. Little give us good information, he is a good coach and i learn a lot from him…
On A Frequent Mistake I Saw at the WSOP
This is great content! I have adopted a three betting strategy that is a hybrid of the linear and polarized…
On A Frequent Mistake I Saw at the WSOP
Hi Jonathan, I like your short stack example, it reminds me of what you said in your book about 'Reasons…
On Weekly Poker Hand #193
We have less than 10 BB. I imagine your push fold chart would say push for K-6s. ? But in…
On Weekly Poker Hand #193
It sure got my attention when you said that one of the best ways to win poker is by observing…
On Five Tips for Poker Success
You must come to Toronto. There is nothing but maniacs. 1-3 or 2-5. A lot of players play any two…
On #1 Mindset Flaw of Small Stakes Players
This us what I need to hear , to understand how should I focus on my ranges and yes it…
On When and How Much to Continuation Bet
Jonathan, Thank you for all your material. You give so more value for free, and your is a great…
On When and How Much to Continuation Bet
Jonathan, Thank you so much for taking the time to put such perfect information together! I am probably the streakiest…
On When and How Much to Continuation Bet
Wow, how come I couldn't have seen this one earlier 🙂 Last night, final table with 5 players left (this…
On Weekly Poker Hand #191