Hey jonathan, thank you very much for this post! Im brazilian, so sorry for my bad inglish. I was looking…
On The Bankroll Bible
Thank you for your sharing. It provides me a lot of information how to manage my own bankroll and what…
On The Bankroll Bible
JL has a different spin on tipping than most other sites. Normally people suggest $1 per hand no matter the…
On The Bankroll Bible
Fascinating insight, thanks. I'm curious how you record your hands in tournaments and more generally in other games too. Is…
On Lucky flop leads to the final table in the $5,000 WSOP event
Hey Jonathan thanks for the insightful blog. I have a question: my grandkids are getting to an age where I…
On Lucky flop leads to the final table in the $5,000 WSOP event
why not bet the Jack of hearts? HE can hardly call without a hand.
On Weekly Poker Hand #218
Yeah I know after the hand it’s easy, but the min raise does scream massive strength. More so after watching…
On A Costly Lesson from a Wild Game
If he calls the flop, calls the turn, with position in this case, why do you shove the river on…
On Weekly Poker Hand #217
I forgot to add this to my last question so combine if you want... It seems like I'm making a…
On Weekly Poker Hand #216
What`s your play if a flush card hits the turn? Bet until he shows you reason to believe he has…
On Weekly Poker Hand #216