
Tournaments vs Cash Games – Which Should YOU Play? | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 6-13-2022

The name of the game may always be Texas Hold’em, but how a profitable poker player approaches poker tournaments as opposed to cash games differs greatly.

Today, I discuss the differences between tournaments and cash games, and share with you all that you need to know to decide which variation to specialize in.

It wouldn’t make sense for a tournament poker player to study cash game preflop charts and solvers, and it certainly wouldn’t be in a cash game player’s best interest to experiment with push/fold ranges and short stack strategy. Other than the way each style of no-limit Texas Hold’em is played, being profitable in cash games or tournaments requires proper poker study within each specialty. While personal preference should always be considered, recognize what poker games you have an edge in and work to improve your game.

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.⁣

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.⁣

You can get 15% off at and by using code POKERCOACHING.⁣ ⁣

Join my 30 Day Cash Game CHALLENGE – HERE

POKER COACHING: has grown and now offers top-level coaching from myself, Jonathan Jaffe, Matt Affleck, Faraz Jaka, Michael Acevedo, Lexy Gavin, Tristan Wade, Alex Fitzgerald, and Evan Jarvis!

Let me know if you have any questions!

If you’re looking to take your game to the next level, start your FREE PokerCoaching membership HERE


How to Play Your Draws: HERE

3-Betting Concepts: HERE

Also, Download my FREE Preflop Charts HERE

Make sure to subscribe for more Poker Concept Videos, a Weekly Poker Hand Analysis, In-Depth Poker Strategy Videos, A Little Coffee, and much more!

Tournaments vs Cash Games – Which Should YOU Play? | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 6-13-2022 Read More »

WPH #411: Phil IVEY In A HUGE COOLER With $5,000,000 On The LINE!

Phil Ivey is no stranger to the poker spotlight having amassed over an incredible $35,000,000 in live poker tournament winnings during his career.

In this Weekly Poker Hand he faced off against another highly accomplished poker professional in Nick Petrangelo. They are battling in the $300,000 Super High Roller Bowl which is the largest buy-in tournament that runs on a regular basis. With $5,000,000 on the line for 1st place every decision carries huge value!

Petrangelo burns all of his time extensions on the river as Ivey puts him in an extremely tricky spot. He is sat with a flush facing an all-in from Ivey on a paired board. Can he make the correct decision and find the fold?

Thank you to PokerGO for allowing me to use this footage, check out this hand and many more on their YouTube channel here:

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #411: Phil IVEY In A HUGE COOLER With $5,000,000 On The LINE! Read More »

How To STUDY Poker EFFECTIVELY | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 6-6-2022 coach Matt Affleck says “For every hour you spend at the poker table, you should spend an hour studying away from the table”. While putting time into your poker study can be effective, you won’t see the full benefit unless you know how to study poker effectively.

To study poker effectively, you must utilize materials that engage you through active learning. For a lot of aspiring poker players, simply reading a poker strategy book is not enough to retain and implement new concepts into your game. Want to improve your three-betting ability preflop? It would likely be wise to quiz yourself on proper three-betting ranges and spots. At, we have an extensive variety of hand quizzes, preflop charts, and other resources that can help you take your game to the next level.

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.⁣

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.⁣

You can get 15% off at and by using code POKERCOACHING.⁣ ⁣

Join my 30 Day Cash Game CHALLENGE – HERE

POKER COACHING: has grown and now offers top-level coaching from myself, Jonathan Jaffe, Matt Affleck, Faraz Jaka, Michael Acevedo, Lexy Gavin, Tristan Wade, Alex Fitzgerald, and Evan Jarvis!

Let me know if you have any questions!

If you’re looking to take your game to the next level, start your FREE PokerCoaching membership HERE


How to Play Your Draws: HERE

3-Betting Concepts: HERE

Also, Download my FREE Preflop Charts HERE

Make sure to subscribe for more Poker Concept Videos, a Weekly Poker Hand Analysis, In-Depth Poker Strategy Videos, A Little Coffee, and much more!

How To STUDY Poker EFFECTIVELY | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 6-6-2022 Read More »

WPH #410: RAMPAGE Poker BATTLES The World’s BEST Players

In this Weekly Poker Hand Rampage Poker finds himself battling against recent Super High Roller Bowl winner and high stakes tournament crusher Jake Schindler.

Rampage Poker is taking a shot in a big poker tournament in the PokerGO Studio, Las Vegas as he finds himself also sat at a table with poker professionals Daniel ‘KidPoker’ Negreanu and Johan ‘YoH ViraL’ Guilbert.

In this particular hand Rampage finds out why it is difficult to compete with these high stakes poker tournament crushers as Jake Schindler applies maximum pressure with huge bet sizes.

“When you are out of position in a multiway pot you should be doing a lot of checking” – Jonathan Little

When you do check out of position you should be looking to check-raise your best made hands that are vulnerable to being outdrawn. Having said that, if you are facing an opponent who bluffs frequently you should be more inclined to call to give them every chance to continue bluffing.

High stakes tournament players may tend to overbluff against players that they believe are playing for money that is too big for them therefore they might be scared to call off their stack with their marginal hands.

Thank you to Rampage Poker for allowing me to use the footage from this poker vlog. Check out his amazing poker channel here:

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #410: RAMPAGE Poker BATTLES The World’s BEST Players Read More »

WPH #409: Daniel NEGREANU’s MASTERCLASS In BLUFFING [Old School vs New School]

Daniel ‘KidPoker’ Negreanu faces a very strange min bet on the river by Ali Imsirovic. In this video I discuss the poker strategy you should use when facing min-bets and how to counter them!

Negreanu stands the hand by raising preflop with pocket eights and Ali Imsirovic defends the big blind. The hand plays out fairly straightforward from there until they both reach the river and then Ali decides to min-bet for just over 10% pot!

Daniel Negreanu is known to be a great live poker player as he uses his reading ability to frequently make the correct decisions at the poker table. Does he manage to sniff this one out and pick up a live poker tell from Ali Imsirovic? Watch the video and find out!

Thank you to PokerGO for allowing me to use this footage, check out this hand and many more on their YouTube channel here:

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #409: Daniel NEGREANU’s MASTERCLASS In BLUFFING [Old School vs New School] Read More »

WPH #408: Pocket ACES Facing An OVERBET For Lex O Poker

There is no sweeter feeling in poker than to be dealt pocket aces when playing in a deep stacked cash game! This is exactly the situation that poker vlogger Lex O poker finds himself in playing at the Wynn Poker Room in Las Vegas.

What makes this poker cash game hand even more exciting is that he faces a preflop 3bet from a villain who then decides to call his 4bet. There is already $1,000 (100 big blinds) in the pot heading to the flop!

It is always important to recognize who your opponent is at the table and adjust your poker strategy accordingly. Are they a poker professional or a recreational poker player?

Remember to realize that some portion of the time your opponents will look to bluff you off hands when you decide to play more passively postflop.

WPH #408: Pocket ACES Facing An OVERBET For Lex O Poker Read More »

How To Play DRAWS [Poker STRATEGY] | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 5-16-2022

You can’t expect to flop the nuts every time. Often when you hit a straight or flush, it will come on the turn or the river. While it is easy to play a made hand, it is important to study how to navigate draws that have the potential of eventually “getting there”. Today, we will discuss draws, and how to properly play them in various spots.

Whether flopping an open-ender with suited connectors or having a gutshot and flush-draw with ace-five suited, the separation is in the preparation when it comes to playing your draws. Drawing hands often results in large pots by the river, making it critical you keep your composure and remember the fundamentals, such as how many outs you have or what ranges you should be playing.

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.⁣

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.⁣

You can get 15% off at and by using code POKERCOACHING.⁣ ⁣

Join my 30 Day Cash Game CHALLENGE – HERE

POKER COACHING: has grown and now offers top-level coaching from myself, Jonathan Jaffe, Matt Affleck, Faraz Jaka, Michael Acevedo, Lexy Gavin, Tristan Wade, Alex Fitzgerald, and Evan Jarvis!

Let me know if you have any questions!

If you’re looking to take your game to the next level, start your FREE PokerCoaching membership HERE


How to Play Your Draws: HERE

3-Betting Concepts: HERE

Also, Download my FREE Preflop Charts HERE

Make sure to subscribe for more Poker Concept Videos, a Weekly Poker Hand Analysis, In-Depth Poker Strategy Videos, A Little Coffee, and much more!

How To Play DRAWS [Poker STRATEGY] | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 5-16-2022 Read More »

Brad Wilson Discord AMA May 2022!

Hey everyone, check out the Ask Me Anything that Brad Wilson did for all of our Discord users which is avalaible above or on our podcast feed over at Spotify & iTunes!

You will need to download iTunes to view it.

Here is the iTunes link: iTunes AMA

Here is the Spotify link: Spotify AMA has grown and now offers top-level coaching from myself, Jonathan Jaffe, Matt Affleck, Faraz Jaka, Michael Acevedo, Lexy Gavin, Tristan Wade, Alex Fitzgerald, and Evan Jarvis!

If you’re looking to take your game to the next level, start your FREE PokerCoaching membership HERE


How to Play Your Draws: HERE

3-Betting Concepts: HERE

Also, Download my FREE Preflop Charts HERE

Make sure to subscribe for more Poker Concept Videos, a Weekly Poker Hand Analysis, In-Depth Poker Strategy Videos, A Little Coffee, and much more!

Brad Wilson Discord AMA May 2022! Read More »

WPH #407: MrBeast DESTROYS Phil Hellmuth In This Poker Hand

MrBeast is no stranger to the spotlight having amassed an incredible 94,000,000 subscribers on YouTube. This time however he finds himself playing poker against one of the all-time greats – Phil ‘The Poker Brat’ Hellmuth.

In this hand Phil Hellmuth wakes up with the hand that helped him win his first ever World Series Of Poker Bracelet back in 1989 when he won the WSOP Main Event! Will this hand prove as lucky for him today as it was back then?

This high stakes poker cash game was filled with many famous and popular YouTubers & Twitch Streamers including Ninja, xQc, Slime, Alexandra Botez as well as poker professionals Alan Keating & Tom Dwan.

David Tuchman sums up this game perfectly in this clip: “You know what’s happening? A blatant disregard for the American dollar!”

Watch the full stream here:

Thank you to Hustler Casino Live for allowing me to use this footage, check out this hand and many more on their amazing YouTube channel here:

#MrBeast #PhilHellmuth #HustlerCasinoLive

Poker Coaching has grown and now offers top-level coaching from myself, Faraz Jaka, James Romero, Bert Stevens, Jonathan Jaffe, Matt Affleck, Tristan Wade, Michael Acevedo, Lexy Gavin, Brad Wilson, Alex Fitzgerald, Tommy Angelo, Evan Jarvis & Ryan O’Donnell. Now with a combined total Tournament earnings of over $60,000,000, that’s a lot of money!

Make sure to subscribe for more Poker Concept Videos, a Weekly Poker Hand Analysis, In-Depth Poker Strategy Videos, A Little Coffee, and much more!

If you would like to receive a weekly recap of all of my poker videos, tips, giveaways, quizzes, and more… Sign Up Here!

Make sure to subscribe for more Poker Concept Videos, a Weekly Poker Hand Analysis, In-Depth Poker Strategy Videos, A Little Coffee, and much more!

Want more episodes of Weekly Poker Hand? Check the playlist out HERE

To take your game to the next level, JOIN US FOR FREE HERE:

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #407: MrBeast DESTROYS Phil Hellmuth In This Poker Hand Read More »

MrBeast, Ninja, Hellmuth & Dwan – MADNESS At The Poker Tables | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 5-9-2022

Despite being poker’s best, Tom Dwan and Phil Hellmuth couldn’t have anticipated the action when they came face-to-face with YouTube and Twitch royalty. MrBeast, Ludwig, and Ninja, GOATs in their own right, made their way to the Hustler Casino in Los Angeles to not just challenge durrrr and the Poker Brat, but to also compete against fellow content creators. Six figure stacks, 7-2 offsuit all-in’s, and even a potential angle, this live stream truly had it all as industries collided.

Maniacal poker players can leave even seasoned pros guessing. When an opponent adopts an aggressive, wild style, lucrative pots can be intimidating as players willing to gamble can be shoving with aces as well as total junk. Maintaining a sound strategy while also adjusting to exploit, were Dwan and Hellmuth able to crush the competition like many predicted?

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.⁣

It combines everything you need including natural caffeine, MTC oil, vitamin C, vitamin E and collagen to give long lasting energy in a healthy way that allows you to focus your best all day long.⁣

You can get 15% off at and by using code POKERCOACHING.⁣ ⁣

Join my 30 Day Cash Game CHALLENGE – HERE

POKER COACHING: has grown and now offers top-level coaching from myself, Jonathan Jaffe, Matt Affleck, Faraz Jaka, Michael Acevedo, Lexy Gavin, Tristan Wade, Alex Fitzgerald, and Evan Jarvis!

Let me know if you have any questions!

If you’re looking to take your game to the next level, start your FREE PokerCoaching membership HERE


How to Play Your Draws: HERE

3-Betting Concepts: HERE

Also, Download my FREE Preflop Charts HERE

Make sure to subscribe for more Poker Concept Videos, a Weekly Poker Hand Analysis, In-Depth Poker Strategy Videos, A Little Coffee, and much more!

MrBeast, Ninja, Hellmuth & Dwan – MADNESS At The Poker Tables | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 5-9-2022 Read More »