
WPH #427: Was Garrett CHEATED For $135,000 In A HIGH STAKES Poker Game?!

The poker world went into a frenzy this week after this crazy hand between Garrett Adelstein and new high stakes poker player Robbi Lew during a high stakes poker hand on the Hustler Casino Live stream.

Both players doubled down on Twitter after this incident with Robbi Lew saying that she made a hero call after she said she was “not playing nice in the sandbox anymore”. Garrett Adelstein responded with his thoughts into how he was cheated out of the money.

The poker hand in question is certainly one that raises a few eyebrows after Robbi calls off her entire stack with just jack high on a board that is even losing to a lot of Garrett’s bluffs yet alone his value hands.

Joey Ingram immediately took to his YouTube channel to investigate and even Nick Vertucci (one of the HCL producers) called in to express his thoughts. You can watch that here:

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #427: Was Garrett CHEATED For $135,000 In A HIGH STAKES Poker Game?! Read More »

WPH #426: Garrett Causes MAX PAIN In This HIGH STAKES Poker Hand!

Garrett Adelstein is no stranger to the Hustler Casino Live stream and today he faces off against very popular high stakes player Israeli Ron who is known for his famous Q2o hand!

Controversy happens at the end of this poker hand when the money is all in the middle as they cannot decide how many times they want to run the river. Are you a one time or two time kind of player?

When you are playing very deep stacked in a cash game make sure that you are careful with low suited connectors as you may often be dominated if you do hit a flush and lots of money ends up in the middle!

Remember that when you have no fold equity you should not raise with your hands that you would like to semi bluff with!

Thank you to Hustler Casino Live for allowing me to use this footage, check out this hand and many more on their amazing YouTube channel here:

This hand analysis was part of my Weekly Poker Hand series. I have been covering a poker hand every week for over 8 years!

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #426: Garrett Causes MAX PAIN In This HIGH STAKES Poker Hand! Read More »

WPH #425: Can Phil IVEY Beat A Poker JEDI? [$200,000 Poker Tournament]

Phil Ivey is back and showing us all why he is widely considered to be the greatest poker player of all time!

His opponents in this poker hand are no strangers to the high stakes poker scene either. Ben Heath who has over $13,000,000 in live tournament earnings and Christoph Vogelsang, the poker jedi, who has a staggering $27,000,000 of his own live tournament winnings.

Ivey is put to the ultimate test on the river by a very tricky Vogelsang who decides to bluff with just seven high. Ivey is sat there with middle pair and a weak kicker. Could you have made the call in Phil Ivey’s shoes?

This hand took place during the $200,000 Coin Rivet Invitational during the Triton Super High Roller Series.

Thank you to Triton Poker for allowing me to use their video footage, check out this hand and many more over on their YouTube channel:

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #425: Can Phil IVEY Beat A Poker JEDI? [$200,000 Poker Tournament] Read More »

Jonathan Little Discord AMA September 2022!

Hey everyone, check out the Ask Me Anything that I (Jonathan Little) did for all of our Discord users which is available above or on our podcast feed over at Spotify & iTunes!

I am a veteran poker player with over $7,000,000 in live tournament earnings. I took my expert poker knowledge and created the poker training site,, where I teach other aspiring players to hone their skills and CRUSH!

You will need to download iTunes to view it.

Here is the iTunes link: iTunes AMA

Here is the Spotify link: Spotify AMA has grown and now offers top-level coaching from myself, Jonathan Jaffe, Matt Affleck, Faraz Jaka, Michael Acevedo, Lexy Gavin, Tristan Wade, Alex Fitzgerald, and Evan Jarvis!

If you’re looking to take your game to the next level, start your FREE PokerCoaching membership HERE


How to Play Your Draws: HERE

3-Betting Concepts: HERE

Also, Download my FREE Preflop Charts HERE

Make sure to subscribe for more Poker Concept Videos, a Weekly Poker Hand Analysis, In-Depth Poker Strategy Videos, A Little Coffee, and much more!

Jonathan Little Discord AMA September 2022! Read More »

CRUSH Cash Games With These TOP TIPS! | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 9-12-2022

Despite being a two-time World Poker Tour champion who mostly plays poker tournaments, I have played many cash games in my time and have learned a lot of valuable lessons that have helped my game. Whether you compete at the micro stakes or are a high stakes crusher, cash games offer poker players a great way to increase their bankroll whether playing poker online or in a poker room.

Today, we study up on cash game strategy and take part in some of my very own interactive quizzes. To beat cash games at any stakes, you must be well studied for when your opponents put you in tough spots. Getting tilted and playing like a maniac will get you nowhere at the poker table, apply the poker tips I share with you today and get ready to crush cash games.

By the end of today’s stream, I want YOU to take this quiz and let me know in the comments how you do:

As a professional poker player, I need to be able to consistently focus throughout the day. I used to drink a lot of coffee to help with focus, but it would inevitably lead to a crash. Then, I discovered BRÈINFÚEL.⁣

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Join my 30 Day Cash Game CHALLENGE – HERE

POKER COACHING: has grown and now offers top-level coaching from myself, Jonathan Jaffe, Matt Affleck, Faraz Jaka, Michael Acevedo, Lexy Gavin, Tristan Wade, Alex Fitzgerald, and Evan Jarvis!

Let me know if you have any questions!

If you’re looking to take your game to the next level, start your FREE PokerCoaching membership HERE


How to Play Your Draws: HERE

3-Betting Concepts: HERE

Also, Download my FREE Preflop Charts HERE

Make sure to subscribe for more Poker Concept Videos, a Weekly Poker Hand Analysis, In-Depth Poker Strategy Videos, A Little Coffee, and much more!

CRUSH Cash Games With These TOP TIPS! | A Little BRÈINFÚEL with Jonathan Little 9-12-2022 Read More »

WPH #424: Patrik Antonius SOUL READS With $825,000 On The Line!!!

Patrik Antonius is no stranger to battling for huge amounts of money at the poker tables. He is mostly known for his exploits in the world of high stakes cash games but here he finds himself 3 handed in a $25,000 Triton Poker tournament with $825,000 for 1st!

In this hand from the Triton Poker Series in Cyprus, Patrik Antonius finds himself in a tricky spot on the river as his aggressive opponent Fahredin Mustafov puts him to the test with just ten high!

On the river Patrik Antonius shows us all why he has stood the test of time and is still battling in the biggest poker games in the world. Using all of his time banks he really thinks the spot through and stares down his opponent before making his decision.

With just bottom pair on this board and facing aggression on every single street, could you find the call for your tournament life in a $25,000 Triton poker tournament?!

Thank you to Triton Poker for allowing me to use their video footage, check out this hand and many more over on their YouTube channel:

This hand analysis was part of my Weekly Poker Hand series. I have been covering a poker hand every week for over 8 years!

You can find all of the hands I have covered in this playlist:

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #424: Patrik Antonius SOUL READS With $825,000 On The Line!!! Read More »

WPH #423: Tom DWAN Is BACK [CRAZY High Stakes Poker BLUFF!]

Tom Dwan has recently been gracing our screens again as he is battling it out in more high stakes cash games!

In this hand there is a $10,000 bounty from each player if you can win the poker hand with 72o. Well if you give Tom Dwan 72o you just know he is going to run a huge poker bluff to try and win a massive pot.

On the other side of this poker hand is what makes this whole hand absolutely incredible. Rui Cao has just 87o and only has eight high! Who will win this massive $650,000 high stakes poker pot.

He says he was going to call Tom Dwan had Tom shoved the river, do you think this is true? Had he made a sick live read that Tom Dwan was just trying to win the $10,000 bounty? Let me know in the comments below!

This hand analysis was part of my Weekly Poker Hand series. I have been covering a poker hand every week for over 8 years!

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #423: Tom DWAN Is BACK [CRAZY High Stakes Poker BLUFF!] Read More »

WPH #422: YOUNG Poker Player OWNED In Texas?!

Rosey from NextGenPoker finds himself in a battle against a very aggressive opponent who has (so far) been running over everyone at the poker table.

When playing around 150bb effective in a cash game you do not often want to be 4 betting in position with non premium hands as it allows your opponent to shove on you.

I see many of my students making big blunders on monotone flops (all of the same suit) so if this is you then be sure to watch this video to help improve your poker win rate!

Always be aware of your opponents and adjust your poker strategy depending on their tendencies. If you have an opponent that is extremely loose and aggressive then be sure to let them bluff into you!

Thank you to the Next Gen Poker guys for allowing me to use their footage from this poker vlog. Check out their brilliant poker channel here:

This hand analysis was part of my Weekly Poker Hand. I have been covering a poker hand every week for over 8 years!

You can find all of the hands I have covered in this playlist:

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #422: YOUNG Poker Player OWNED In Texas?! Read More »

WPH #421: Poker Professional FLIPS A COIN For $213,900?!

It’s hard to hit trips when playing heads-up, it’s even harder to fold your hand when you do! In this weekly poker hand, Shannon Shorr shows us all why he is widely considered to be one of the best poker players in the world.

I discuss the merits in checking back with weak top pairs on wet boards against aggressive opponents in order to extract value on later streets. I also teach you why you should be looking to take the betting lead when the flop is checked through with your value hands.

When deciding to use an overbet size you are polarizing your range of poker hands to either complete air or a nutted hand. This means that your opponent’s should not be raising these bet sizes very often as a bluff!

Shorr has amassed over an incredible $10,000,000 in live tournament winnings and currently is ranked 7th on the Global Poker Index rankings. His opponent Ren Lin has burst onto the scene in the last couple of years having racked up over $2,000,000 in cashes in less than 24 months!

Thank you to PokerGO for allowing me to use this footage, check out this hand and many more on their YouTube channel here:

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!
When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #421: Poker Professional FLIPS A COIN For $213,900?! Read More »

WPH #420: ACES vs KINGS For $456,700!!!

When pocket aces are up against pocket kings you know a huge pot is going to brew, especially when you are playing over 275 big blinds deep!

This huge cash game poker hand took place on the Hustler Casino Live stream where the players were playing extremely high stakes cash game poker with the blinds at $100/$200/$400/$800!

Make sure you are 3-betting with your strongest hands especially when playing deep stacked poker, do not get tricky and trappy before the flop.

It is hard when you run into such a cooler to not become too results oriented in poker. Try to analyze the decisions you make rather than the outcome of individual poker hands.

Thank you to Hustler Casino Live for allowing me to use this footage, check out this hand and many more on their amazing YouTube channel here:

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to sign up for a free 7-day trial membership at for an interactive learning experience from Jonathan Little.

Additional Resources

How to play draws: Here!

When to continuation bet: Here!
Online MTT IQ quiz: Here!
Claim your free eBook “Strategies for Beating Small Stakes Poker Tournaments”: Here!

Thank you for watching. Be sure to check back next week Here for more Podcast & Weekly Poker Hands!

WPH #420: ACES vs KINGS For $456,700!!! Read More »