Jonathan Little
My hand was worse than a bluff catcher, which often makes raising or folding the only options. If he led…
On Weekly Poker Hand #215
You also do this with your strong hands, which makes bluffing/hyper aggression quite bad for the opponent.
On The right way to play an under pair
Sure, especially if you think the opponent has lots of bluffs in his range. If his range is all "nuts"…
On Choosing the correct river bet size
Emotions rule the day for most people, that's for sure!
On The Slow Roll
Of course it is bad etiquette, but that is the point of the post. Etiquette doesn't actually "matter" when it…
On The Slow Roll
Very true!
On Choosing the correct river bet size
Thanks, and yes!
On Weekly Poker Hand, Episode 213
If you are refering to the text on the side, press and hold "ctrl" and scroll up on your mouse…
On Choosing the correct river bet size
I most likely bet club rivers and call if he leads. It is too likely he has a worse Ace.
On Weekly Poker Hand, Episode 213
dw, I have no clue what you are asking. Please re-phrase your question.
On Weekly Poker Hand #212