Looks like "Fake Lies" needs a over-bet bluffing range when scary river cards arrive. If "JL" is willing to fold…
On Weekly Poker Hand #230
Thanks Jonathan for the insights. Seems that JL should have bet once he hit the straight on the flop as…
On Weekly Poker Hand #230
Hi again Jonathan, I played last night in our weekly pub match and took on board your advice about check-calling…
On When NOT to Check-Raise
Can't this basically just be boiled down into "small hand, play small pot" ??
On When NOT to Check-Raise
Wouldn't it be fair to think (if you're bryan) you're only losing here to some combination of A4? I find…
On Weekly Poker Hand #229
Is there a scenario where you can check-raise for protection?
On When NOT to Check-Raise
This paragraph must be one of the most inspiring things about poker I have read recently: "You must become comfortable…
On When NOT to Check-Raise
Ok I understand your thought process in keeping his range wide but shouldn’t we want to figure out if we…
On When NOT to Check-Raise
This paragraph must be one of the most inspiring things I have read about poker recently: : You must become…
On When NOT to Check-Raise
Which hands _would_ you check-raise with on this board?
On When NOT to Check-Raise