Check out the video below for a recap of my first five days of the 2014 European Poker Tour series in Barcelona, Spain.
I also mention a few key things I learned that will certainly help me in the future.
I apologize for the poor video quality. I will make a point to travel with a good camera in the future if you enjoy hearing about my poker trips.
Please let me know what you think in the comment section!
Thanks for watching.
Love anything you do. You are a natural teacher. Always feel like I am just talking with a buddy when I watch a video of yours. Keep them coming.
Thank you for the kind comment. I appreciate it.
Enjoyed the vid Jonathan. Good luck in your next tourney!!
Thanks. Hopefully I will have good luck in my current tournament on Day 2!
Spontaneous and natural, nice to watch!
Thanks for sharing
Hope ull make it far in the main event.
Thank you. I will do my best!
The video was nice. Good luck on day 2.
Thanks. I am glad you liked it.
Jonathan I am from India and have just started taking poker seriously and the first thing I did was to read your 3 book series (well actually in the middle of the second volume right now). I also have subscribed to your website and have seen a few of the videos. Still need to watch the remaining. I think you do a fantastic job both in the videos and the book. I have learnt more about poker from these books and videos in the last 2 months than I did from the useless home games in the last 3 years. I look forward to all your new posts and video. Thanks a lot. Hardly have access to any mentors in India as poker is yet to become big here, therefore your books and videos are super helpful. Thanks a lot. Keep them coming. Would be even better if you analysed hands a bit more (what you did right or could have done what the opponent could have done etc) the way you do on sharemypair.
I am glad you find the content helpful. I will make a point to analyze the hands in even more depth on my new podcast, WeeklyPokerHand. If you haven’t checked it out, the first episode can be found at JonathanLittlePoker.com/WPH1. There are currently 3 episodes out.
Keep the videos coming. Nice with updated like this one, specially since I’m not playing. I did play Estrella Marbella and loved it, sure would help if I could speak Spanish. Do you speak Spanish? Maybe some info about how it is at the tables, is there a lot of Spanish speaking going on, does the dealers speak well English (Was not the case in Marbella). Saw on twitter that water and drinks and fruits are insane expensive at the casino. Would be cool if you could add a bit about that also, but otherwise just keep up the good work. Good luck with day 2.
I speak very little Spanish. The official language of the EPT is English. I have never had a problem at any of the events getting around. I have found that if I say “hola, hello” when you first greet anyone, everyone is always super helpful. If you start running your mouth in English, they may not be as helpful. That being said, all of the EPTs are typically held in fancy casinos which means they know how to cater to tourist.
Food and drinks are super expensive at the casino…so don’t buy food and drinks at the casino. I carry a canister of tea plus back up tea leaves in my bar. I have the bar tenders refill my canister once or twice per day. I tip 1 euro for this and have never had a problem. I eat around 500 calories worth of Living Fuel Super Greens right before leaving my apartment each day, which lasts me until the dinner break 7 hours later. The casino then offers a “free” buffet to all players.
If I happen to not have a meal ticket or I leave early, with a little searching, I often find that a few restaurants that are close to the casino have deals for poker players. For example, 2 days ago I had salad, a savory crepe, a dessert crepe, and cider for 10 euros right outside of the casino. Obviously that is a deal compared to 4 euro coffee right inside the casino.
Hope you crush day two. I’m impressed with your ability to stick to healthy eating, even on the road.
I played cash in Madrid a few months ago and the play proceeded counterclockwise (ie opposite from every other poker room in the world). Do they do that in Barcelona too (in the cash games, if not EPT)? It makes no difference but it was really hard to get used to. The rake was also insanely high.
They play poker in the “normal” American direction in this casino.
The rake is 2.5% per hand. I think this is roughly the same as “standard” American rake at $1/2 no limit but once you move higher than that, it becomes insane. For example, at 10/20, you get raked roughly $20 per hour in America. In Barcelona, if the average pot is 20 big blinds, each player gets raked something like $40 per hour. Obviously if you move any higher than that, the rake becomes insane. They also play in Euros, not Dollars, which multiplies the number by 1.34.
I once played a game in NYC with 5% uncapped rake. I have yet to be back there.
I think it is pretty great that you’re taking time to share your poker venture. I found your video and subsequent comments rather refreshing. Nice to see a real person behind the player(s). Being just a recreational online player (mostly PLO Hi/Lo) my chances of getting to a big poker event are probably not in the cards (no pun intended 🙂 Thanks for letting me share yours with you.
Wishing you best of luck at the tables!!!
If you work hard and study a ton, you can make it to the top eventually. Until then, I hope you find my travels entertaining.
Love your informal informative posts. Gives us a look into a pros everyday life on the road. And talking about tournament hands and tournament play is always interesting and helpful for our own play. Thanks for taking the time to do this and please keep them coming. Come back with lots of Euros!!
Euros are a funny thing. They feel like play money and you cannot spend them in America without paying a huge conversion fee. That being said, I would still prefer to have some number of them compared to none!
GL going into Day 2. Always nice to get some aspect from one of the good guys in the game:)
Thanks. I hope you enjoy the site.
cool blog… played with you a couple of times at WSOP and at Seminole Hard Rock Hollywood I think… anyhow, appreciate the commentary and insight into some of your hands… hope you crush it!
Thanks. I will try my best!
When you bink this tourney and need to convert 1mm Euros into $, here is the drill:
–open a bank account somewhere in the EU and have the bank trading desk buy dollars for you. For over 25k Euro approx they should charge you about 0.5%. US banks definitely do this–I’m not sure about EU banks. I have a banker friend in Madrid who can advise if you need help.
–use USForex.com or XE.com to buy dollars. The rate should be between 0.5% and 1%.
–free exchanges via the poker world would be the optimal way but IDK if you can move that volume of Euros.
Alternatively, use the cash to open a poker room in Spain, deal clockwise, rake 10% up to $5, and mint more Euros forever.
I like the idea of opening a poker room with the winnings. Seems like a good way to run it up. Thanks for the info.
I know a lot of super high rollers use some online site that requires you to keep something like $1,000,000 in it at all times but they charge 0% or something like .005% to exchange money. I am sure they are investing the $1,000,000 that is in there, which is how they make money.
I would love to watch more videos like this one. Please keep them coming.
Good luck for the rest of your stay.
One question:
What about the people that think it’s dumb but still like it or like it because they think it’s dumb? Just kidding. 😉
I am glad you like the video.
There is luck in all aspects of life.
Something about looking “over” your shoulder is really interesting. Very enjoyable. Very much like your WSOP ebook. It was just excellent like your 3rd book. Plus gave an almost live view into the WSOP. BTW congrats on your finish.
I am glad you enjoyed the book. Thank you for reading it.
Hey there, yes Barcelona is hot! My family is from hungary. My cousins play alot online there. Please keep your videos like this one coming. It is like a live poker journal. The beau had a tournament along with the horsehoe but I had to work so I couldn’t go. They have twice the field the expected, They had alternates already yesterday. Poker seems to be still growing even though we had Black Friday. Anyway, glad you made it ok and keep the lessons coming. Take care. Tommy Z
Poker seems to be alive and well!
Enjoyed your video, Keep them coming.
I’m one who will never get to these exotic places & play poker, so it’s nice to be able to go there vicariously thru u.
good luck @ the tables.
Thanks for the kind words. If you have dreams, try to plan out things that make those dreams into reality. Good luck!!
It’s not the destination as much as it is the journey!
And life is a journey, not so much of a destination.
Keep up this style of video. It really shows who you are and you should be proud of that!
You are correct. 🙂
I don’t understand why you traveled to Spain at the same time that this great tournament series is happening at Seminole hard rock Hollywood??
I think for the past year we have had some of the best tournaments ever right here in your home state of Florida.. Maybe your plan is to be here in time to play the 10M guaranteed main event?? At any rate I did enjoy the adventure with you and wishing you luck in day 2..
I do have several of your books and all of your video’s… Thanks for the great poker knowledge and good luck!!!
Enjoy the vids Jonathan, keep ’em coming.
Will do!