Welcome to The Poker Coaching Podcast. This podcast is a mix of in-depth strategy content and inspirational life advice, including episodes of Weekly Poker Hand, A Little Coffee, and Little Poker Advice. Make sure to get your free trial membership to PokerCoaching.com today!
Being seated at the same poker table with legends such as Daniel Negreanu and Maria Ho would make anyone a little nervous. Now, imagine this happening on Game of Gold, a reality poker TV show, hosted by GGPoker and broadcast to millions all around the world. During this hand on… Read more: WPH #550: He STUNS Everyone!!!!!!
Rampage Poker’s vlogging career has featured everything poker has to offer: bluffs, hero calls, hero folds, punts & more recently losing over a million dollars! This time, while playing at the Lodge Card Club during one of his vlogging sessions, Rampage records himself picking up quads in a huge three-way… Read more: WPH #553: Rampage Poker Is So LUCKY!!!!!!
#pokerstrategy #thelodgecardclub #pokervloggerAndrew Neeme is the OG when it comes to poker vlogging and his poker strategy is documented in detail throughout his popular YouTube channel. However, those poker vlogs could hurt his win rate during the Lodge Card Club live stream after he flops a boat against T1000, who… Read more: WPH #552: Did Andrew Neeme Just Get OWNED????
pokerstrategy #highstakespoker #hustlercasinolive pokerstrategy #highstakespoker #hustlercasinolive Being a world-famous actor like Arden Cho will surely help her maintain the perfect poker face. She needed all her acting skills in this hand as she finds herself heads-up against the 17-time World Series of Poker bracelet winner, Phil Hellmuth. Cho gets all… Read more: WPH #551: She’s The NEW QUEEN of Poker!!
pokerstrategy #highstakespoker #hustlercasinolive Every poker player will have an unforgettable moment when they have made a huge fold at the poker table. However, making huge laydowns because you are afraid of your opponent always having a better hand is not advised! In this poker hand L finds himself with a… Read more: WPH #550: The Most INSANE READ Ever????
Learn how to beat small stakes poker cash games and tournaments with these 2 books! These strategies will help you win more hands and make more final tables.
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